Hello FRIAM community,
My name is dave west. Some relevant factoids about me:
My undergraduate education was in Asian Philosophy (mostly Buddhism
and Taoism and their intersection) and Mysticism at Macalester
College in St. Paul Minn.
I have been a professional software developer since 1968 and an
academic since 1988.
Returned to school in 1985 at the University of Wisconsin at Madison,
earned MA in cultural anthropology, MS in computer science, and a
Ph.D. in Anthropology (de facto cognitive science with a dissertation
committee of three anthropologists, two computer scientists,
psychologist, and linguist).
First use of complexity ideas was in my doctoral dissertation -1988 -
where I was proposing a model of cognition called vTAO (virtual
Topographic Adaptive Organism).
First publication was in AI Magazine (1989), a two part article on
metaphors of mind.
Became an academic at University of St. Thomas (St. Paul, MN - not
Virgin Islands alas) advanced to Professor, move to NM to start new
program in IT at New Mexico Highlands (just in time for them to go
bankrupt and deal with a string of interim presidents). Finally
succeeded in starting a radically different software degree only to
have Manny Aragon arbitrarily cancel it in order to get rid of
"carpetbagger faculty."
Currently working with the College of Santa Fe to create
fundamentally (some of the radical differences at Highlands will wait
a few years at CSF) different program in software development,
including BA degree in software dev, MBA in software dev (will
eventually be an MFA), and a MBA in technology transfer and
innovation management.
Book published, Object Thinking, by Microsoft Press Professional,
Book underway, Developing Systems, (reinventing software development
using complexity metaphors if not theory, agility, and art)
have attended two Friday AM meetings about two weeks ago, will be back
again next week.