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indices vs search rewrite for mixed phonetic/pictorgram languages

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indices vs search rewrite for mixed phonetic/pictorgram languages

Carl Tollander
412 posts
I was wondering if anyone out there had any insight on how search
engines work with mixed phonetic/pictogram queries.   If you enter a
search in the phonetic alphabet (e.g. jp Hiragana) does it try to
convert to the pictogram (e.g. jp Kanji) first and then try matches
against a pictogram-based  index, or does it keep the search in the
phonetic alphabet and any conversion from any targets in the pictogram
alphabet is assumed to have been done prior during the indexing?  Or is
it simply phonetic search to phonetic targets and pictogram search to
pictogram targets?  Or is something else going on?

I'm particularly interested in the Japanese case, but wondering about
the issue generally.


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