I've seen where the undocked window ends up off the edge of the screen.
In Windows: To fix, do alt-tab, or ctrl-tab or whatever is needed to
make that window active (but invisible). Then hit alt+space, M. Then
hit an arrow key. Then move the mouse. That should attach the window
to your mouse for movement--move it where you like, then left-click to
drop it.
I seem to recall doing for a friend to recover a lost undocked google
chat window.
Also: the hard-way: Use display properties to change your screen
dimensions--that might force off-screen windows to pop back into the
screen. then change the dimensions back.
There may also be a google-specific keyboard shortcut to close or
retrieve those undocked windows--but I don't know it.
http://www.turtlezero.comOn 3/9/07, Nicholas Thompson <nickthompson at earthlink.net> wrote:
> Does anybody know into which cybervoid the google to do list disappears when
> you "undock it from the sidebar". Does that person know how to summon it
> back from there?
> Nick
> Nicholas S. Thompson
> Professor of Psychology and Ethololgy, Clark University
> (nthompson at clarku.edu)
> Research Associate, Redfish Group, Santa Fe, NM (nick at redfish.com)