google todo list

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google todo list

Nick Thompson
Does anybody know into which cybervoid the google to do list disappears when you "undock it from the sidebar".  Does that person know how to summon it back from there?


Nicholas S. Thompson
Professor of Psychology and Ethololgy, Clark University (nthompson at
Research Associate, Redfish Group, Santa Fe, NM (nick at
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google todo list

James Steiner
I've seen where the undocked window ends up off the edge of the screen.

In Windows: To fix, do alt-tab, or ctrl-tab or whatever is needed to
make that window active (but invisible). Then hit alt+space, M. Then
hit an arrow key. Then move the mouse. That should attach the window
to your mouse for movement--move it where you like, then left-click to
drop it.

I seem to recall doing for a friend to recover a lost undocked google
chat window.

Also: the hard-way: Use display properties to change your screen
dimensions--that might force off-screen windows to pop back into the
screen. then change the dimensions back.

There may also be a google-specific keyboard shortcut to close or
retrieve those undocked windows--but I don't know it.


On 3/9/07, Nicholas Thompson <nickthompson at> wrote:

> Does anybody know into which cybervoid the google to do list disappears when
> you "undock it from the sidebar".  Does that person know how to summon it
> back from there?
> Nick
> Nicholas S. Thompson
> Professor of Psychology and Ethololgy, Clark University
> (nthompson at
> Research Associate, Redfish Group, Santa Fe, NM (nick at