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fri am meets on fri ams?

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fri am meets on fri ams?

Giles Bowkett
167 posts
OK -- apologies if the question is daft -- I sort of wandered in here
because I remembered somebody telling me it was a Santa Fe tech
community. Seems more like a complexity theory community with a great
deal of Santa Fe overlap. Am I off? And, on a related thing, do the
Fri. meetings actually occur? I haven't seen one mentioned, but they
do sound interesting.

Giles Bowkett = Giles Goat Boy

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fri am meets on fri ams?

Stephen Guerin
791 posts
Giles wanders in and asks:
> Seems more like a complexity theory community with a great
> deal of Santa Fe overlap

That's pretty accurate. The website says: "FRIAMGroup is an emergent
organization of Complexity researchers and software developers in Santa Fe, New
Mexico interested in Agent-Based Modeling, Applied Complexity, Artificial Life,
Evolutionary Computation and Swarm Intelligence."

Though, we don't limit discussion to Santa Fe folks as there's great dialogue
from our out-of-state, out-of-country and out-of-their-mind brethren.

> And, on a related thing, do the Fri. meetings actually occur? I haven't seen
one mentioned, but they
> do sound interesting.

Yep, we're meeting each Friday for at least 3 years now. We have been meeting at
the St. John's cafe but next week we *may* move back down the hill to the
Mission Cafe (formerly Jane's Cafe). I'll post later today if we can reserve a
weekly spot.

Please stop by, Giles.


Stephen.Guerin at Redfish.com
624 Agua Fria Street, Santa Fe, NM 87501
mobile: (505)577-5828
office: Santa Fe, NM (505)995-0206 / London, UK +44 (0) 20 7993 4769

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fri am meets on fri ams?

Giles Bowkett
167 posts
Awesome -- well, I'm in-state and possibly out-of-my-mind, depending
who you ask, so I guess I'll be there! :)

On 10/21/05, Stephen Guerin <stephen.guerin at redfish.com> wrote:

> Giles wanders in and asks:
> > Seems more like a complexity theory community with a great
> > deal of Santa Fe overlap
> That's pretty accurate. The website says: "FRIAMGroup is an emergent
> organization of Complexity researchers and software developers in Santa Fe, New
> Mexico interested in Agent-Based Modeling, Applied Complexity, Artificial Life,
> Evolutionary Computation and Swarm Intelligence."
> Though, we don't limit discussion to Santa Fe folks as there's great dialogue
> from our out-of-state, out-of-country and out-of-their-mind brethren.
> > And, on a related thing, do the Fri. meetings actually occur? I haven't seen
> one mentioned, but they
> > do sound interesting.
> Yep, we're meeting each Friday for at least 3 years now. We have been meeting at
> the St. John's cafe but next week we *may* move back down the hill to the
> Mission Cafe (formerly Jane's Cafe). I'll post later today if we can reserve a
> weekly spot.
> Please stop by, Giles.
> -Steve
> _____________________________________________________________________
> Stephen.Guerin at Redfish.com
> www.Redfish.com
> 624 Agua Fria Street, Santa Fe, NM 87501
> mobile: (505)577-5828
> office: Santa Fe, NM (505)995-0206 / London, UK +44 (0) 20 7993 4769
> ============================================================
> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
> Meets Fridays 9:30a-11:30 at ad hoc locations
> Lecture schedule, archives, unsubscribe, etc.:
> http://www.friam.org

Giles Bowkett = Giles Goat Boy

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fri am meets on fri ams?

Douglas Roberts-2
1355 posts
>From what I've seen, I'm afraid that doesn't narrow the field much...



On 10/23/05, Giles Bowkett <gilesb at gmail.com> wrote:

> ** Starting Oct 28, FRIAM is moving to
> ** Mission Cafe (previously Jane's)
> ** See friam.org <http://friam.org> for map
> ======================================
> Awesome -- well, I'm in-state and possibly out-of-my-mind, depending
> who you ask, so I guess I'll be there! :)
> On 10/21/05, Stephen Guerin <stephen.guerin at redfish.com> wrote:
> > Giles wanders in and asks:
> > > Seems more like a complexity theory community with a great
> > > deal of Santa Fe overlap
> >
> > That's pretty accurate. The website says: "FRIAMGroup is an emergent
> > organization of Complexity researchers and software developers in Santa
> Fe, New
> > Mexico interested in Agent-Based Modeling, Applied Complexity,
> Artificial Life,
> > Evolutionary Computation and Swarm Intelligence."
> >
> > Though, we don't limit discussion to Santa Fe folks as there's great
> dialogue
> > from our out-of-state, out-of-country and out-of-their-mind brethren.
> >
> > > And, on a related thing, do the Fri. meetings actually occur? I
> haven't seen
> > one mentioned, but they
> > > do sound interesting.
> >
> > Yep, we're meeting each Friday for at least 3 years now. We have been
> meeting at
> > the St. John's cafe but next week we *may* move back down the hill to
> the
> > Mission Cafe (formerly Jane's Cafe). I'll post later today if we can
> reserve a
> > weekly spot.
> >
> > Please stop by, Giles.
> >
> > -Steve
> >
> > _____________________________________________________________________
> > Stephen.Guerin at Redfish.com
> > www.Redfish.com <http://www.Redfish.com>
> > 624 Agua Fria Street, Santa Fe, NM 87501
> > mobile: (505)577-5828
> > office: Santa Fe, NM (505)995-0206 / London, UK +44 (0) 20 7993 4769
> >
> >
> >
> > ============================================================
> > FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
> > Meets Fridays 9:30a-11:30 at ad hoc locations
> > Lecture schedule, archives, unsubscribe, etc.:
> > http://www.friam.org
> >
> --
> Giles Bowkett = Giles Goat Boy
> http://www.gilesgoatboy.org/
> ============================================================
> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
> Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at Mission Cafe
> Wed Lecture schedule, archives, unsubscribe, maps, etc. at
> http://www.friam.org

"He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his

- Oscar Wilde
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