entire galactic sky via 624 12 deg areas 5, 000 MPx, Photopic Sky Survey, Nick Risinger -- fractal 3D dark mesh?: Rich Murray 2011.06.07

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entire galactic sky via 624 12 deg areas 5, 000 MPx, Photopic Sky Survey, Nick Risinger -- fractal 3D dark mesh?: Rich Murray 2011.06.07

Rich Murray-2
entire galactic sky via 624 12 deg areas 5,000 MPx, Photopic Sky
Survey, Nick Risinger -- fractal 3D dark mesh?: Rich Murray 2011.06.07
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
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You can locate Andromeda Galaxy in the lower left of this vast image,
and zoom in until it fills half the full screen, showing its major
dark lanes.  About the size of our galaxy, it is 140,000 light years
wide, about 2.5 million light years away, with an visual size of about
3 degrees.  The Sun and Moon are about 0.5 degrees wide.

I notice that zooming in on the edges of our galaxy reveals ubiquitous
apparent complex fractal 3D dark mesh, like a loosely woven wool
sweater -- also noticable in my closeups from the Hubble Ultra Deep
Field, with the gamma doubled to lighten dark areas, and colors




Photographer captures entire night sky in massive image
By Wally Bahny
June 2, 2011, 11:37 AM PDT

Takeaway: Astrophotographer Nick Risinger traveled 60,000 miles and
took 37,440 exposures to create a 5,000 megapixel photo of the entire
night sky.
Learn more about his Photopic Sky Survey.

How long would it take to photograph the entire night sky?
Even more, what would it take to capture tens of millions of stars --
more than are commonly visible to the naked eye?
Photographer Nick Risinger has the answer: one year and 60,000 miles
of travel thanks to his Photopic Sky Survey, which consists of 37,440
exposures captured in the American west and South Africa.

Using an array of six cameras mounted on a tripod designed to move
with the Earth’s spin, Risinger spent innumerable nights under these
same stars listening to the click-clack of camera shutters opening and
Using a grid of 624 uniformly-spaced areas of the sky -- each a mere
12 degrees in height and containing 60 exposures to reduce the amount
of satellites, meteors, and other unwanted objects -- he then stitched
the images together to form a gigantic, 5,000 megapixel photograph
that can be viewed on his site,
using a simple zoom applet,


or more in-depth with the Interactive 360 degree panorama.


The Interactive view is especially nice because it comes with a
constellation and key objects overlay.
Several objects, such as the planets and some nebulae, even have
clickable links to the Wikipedia article about that object.

If you really like what you see on the Photopic Sky Survey site, you
can order an archival print of an image.


These prints have century-plus image stability and are very high
quality. Please note, at this time, the only print available
pre-mounted is the 60in x30in version. The checkout process is limited
to certain countries so if you live outside the U.S. please contact me
first at [hidden email]

60in x 15in Photo Print on Kodak Metallic Endura gloss
$200 unmounted

96in x 24in Giclee Print on satin
$300 unmounted

120in x 30in Photo Print on Kodak Metallic Endura gloss
$500 unmounted

60in x 30in Photo Print on Kodak Metallic Endura gloss
$350 unmounted

The images below are freely available under the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial license, attributed as Nick Risinger,
3000x1500 (2.4MB)  http://skysurvey.org/3000_CC_BY-NC.jpg

Image courtesy of Nick Risinger, skysurvey.org.

(Thanks to TechRepublic’s Mark Kaelin for the tip.)

HUDF center top left, #90 astrodeep200407aab10ada.png 3.68 MB 1244X1243 1 of 4
identical views with different color schemes 2008.12.12 #88-91 on rmforall at
flickr.com: Rich Murray 2011.01.09
Sunday, January 9, 2011
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[ you may have to Copy and Paste URLs into your browser ]

for viewing -- click on Actions to get different sizes and for free download


#89 astrodeep200407aab10aea.png 4.14 MB 1244X1283 HUDF center top left

This image is 6.3x6.3 arc-seconds, 3.965% of the area of the Hubble Ultra Deep

which is 186 arc-seconds wide and high = 3.1 arc-minutes

= 1/10 width of the Full Moon or Sun, about 0.5 degrees,

so the HUDF is about 1% of the area of the square that holds the Full Moon or

short introduction re viewing lovely subtle earliest structures in HUDF:
AstroDeep, Rich Murray 2009.02.23

I've found since 2005 myriad ubiquitous bright blue sources, always on a darker
fractal 3D web, along with a variety of sizes of irregular early galaxies, in
the Hubble Ultra Deep Field, simply by increasing the gamma from 1.00 to 2.00
and saturating the colors, while minimizing the green band to simplify the
complex overlays of complex fractal structures.

Dozens of these images, covering the entire HUDF in eight ~20 MB segments, are
available for viewing at many scales [ To change the size of images on Windows
PCs, use Control - and + ] on www.Flickr.com at the "rmforall" photostream. Try
#86 for the central 16% of the HUDF.

ubiquitous bright blue 1-12 pixel sources on darker 3D fractal web in five
2007.09.06 IR and visible light HUDF images, Nor Pirzkal, Sangeeta Malhotra,
James E Rhoads, Chun Xu, -- might be clusters of earliest hypernovae in recent
cosmological simulations: Rich Murray 2008.08.17 2009.01.20
Sunday, August 17, 2008


The 5 closeups are about 2.2x2.2 arc-seconds wide and high, about 70x70 pixels.
The HUDF is 315x315 arc-seconds, with N at top and E at left.
Each side has 10,500x10,500 pixels at 0.03 arc-second per pixel.

Click on All Sizes and select Original to view the highest resolution image of
3022x2496 pixels, which can be also be conveniently seen directly at their
Zoomable image:


Notable in the deep background of the five closeups are ubiquitous bright blue
sources, presumably extremely hot ultraviolet before redshifting, 1 to a dozen
or so pixels, as single or short lines of spots, and a few irregular tiny blobs,
probably, as predicted in many recent simulations, the earliest massive,
short-lived hypernovae, GRBs with jets at various angles to our line of sight,
expanding bubbles, earliest molecular and dust clouds with light echoes and
bursts of star formation, and first small dwarf galaxies, always associated with
a subtle darker 3D random fractal mesh of filaments of H and He atomic gases.

As a scientific layman, I am grateful for specific cogent, civil feedback, based
on the details readily visible in images in the public domain.


Hubble and Spitzer Uncover Smallest Galaxy Building Blocks

You are welcome to visit me and share your comments as I share these images at
home on a 4X8 foot screen -- no fee.

Anyone may view and download for free 91 images, presenting the HUDF in eight 20
MB pieces at rmforall at www.FlickR.com -- #86 is about 20% of the HUDF in their
red and blue colors, as leaving out the green greatly simplifies interpreting
the overlapping layers of transparent fractal webs of gas with a wide range of
sizes of rather distant sources, beyond z = 5.

astrodeep200407aab10ada.png 3.10 MB flickr.com rmforall #90
astrodeep200407aab10ada.png 3.68 MB 1244X1243 px HUDF center top left: Lillian J
Kelly: Rich Murray 2008.12.30

The attachment is my image from my hard drive:


#90 astrodeep200407aab10ada.png 3.68 MB 1244X1243 px HUDF center top left

Click on All Sizes to see and download the Original
or find it directly at

In Windows Vista, use CTRL +/= over and over to magnify images,
and CRTL _/- to reduce.

You can also go to Control Panel to Ease of Access
to Ease of Access Center
to Optimize visual display
to turn on Magnifier,
which creates a box of any size and location that magnifies
from 1 to 16 times in width and height,
whatever area the cursor is pointed at on any image on the screen.
You can even make "stereo" pairs side by side,
by setting Magnifier to 1X,
and putting its box to the left or right half of the screen,
and using the cursor to adjust
until the two images are matching and side by side.
Then if you can, gaze with crossed eyes at the two images
to get a third image in between,
which may well look 3D and have much more detail.

This image is 6.3x6.3 arc-seconds, 3.965% of the area of the Hubble Ultra Deep

which is 186 arc-seconds wide and high = 3.1 arc-minutes

= 1/10 width of the Full Moon or Sun, about 0.5 degrees,

so the HUDF is about 1% of the area of the square that holds the Full Moon or

while the image is 4% of 1/1,000 of the area of the HUDF,

so the image is about 4/100,000 of the area of the square that holds the Full
Moon or Sun.

The image is 6.3 are-seconds wide and high,

while the pixels are 0.03 arc-seconds wide in the original HUDF.

The background of many small blue spots are about 1-10 pixels in area.

I have used a simple, low-cost program, MGI PhotoSuite 4.0 to process these

double the Gamma to 2.00,
raise the color saturation,
shift colors a bit to accentuate the reds,
remove most of the Green band,
so the image is mostly made of Blue (coding for visible blue),
with Red codes for the invisible infrared just longer in wavelength than visible

Mixed Blue and Red make green, yellow, orange, red, and white.

However these colors are downshifted in frequency (lengthened in wavelength)
more and more the more they are distant in space (light travel time from us):

The "Little Feller", like the figure "8" in the top center
to the right of the red galaxy with a red swirl on the right,
has been measured to be at redshift distance z = 4.88,
so its light is changed by a factor of 4.88 --
its apparent reds, oranges, and yellows represent radiation in the hot
and its age from us is about 13 billion years,
about a billion years after the Big Bang,
13.7 billion = 13,700 million years ago.
The Sun and solar system are 4.6 billion = 4,600 million years ago.

The myriad tiny background blue spots,
along with some green ones,
always on a dark 3D fractal mesh,
are probably the first stars,
made of pure hydrogen and helium,
about 100-100 solar masses in size,
extremely hot and short-lived,
exploding as hypernovae after 1-2 million years,
often with intense bipolar jets,
often leaving relic neutron stars and black holes,
flinging new elements like carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen into space to become the
substance of later generations of stars,
which are closer to us in space (nearer in time), smaller, more numerous,
cooler, longer-lived,
collecting together by gravity to make clouds, clusters, dwarf galaxies, clump
cluster galaxies, irregular galaxies, and mature galaxies,
flat slowly rotating spirals and rounded ellipticals,
which often collide, especially at first
before the constant expansion of space-time separated them more and more --
the expansion of space-time itself that originated from a minute region in a
source reality
that had at least 10 dimensions of space and one of time -- the Big Bang.

So, we see far-away early gatherings of hot blue and green objects,
and closer (nearer to us in time) more numerous gatherings of cooler red
which all seem exist as a 3D fractal network of twisted tubes,
rather transparent, as there was little dust in early time to darken light.

It is well known that for every mass of ordinary matter, gas, dust, stars,
there is about 6 times more mass of completely invisible dark matter,
which pulls itself together by gravity into a 3D fractal network, making
the scaffold that ordinary matter collects within.
Dark matter surrounds glalaxies and superclusters of galaxies,
bending light gently by gravity,
so that the dark matter appears as subtle transparent bubbles
against the complex background of deeper structures.

Additionally the cosmic zoo may include galaxy-wide strings of
condensed space-time geometry, formed during the Big Bang,
that are massive enough to bend light
and make double twin images of objects far behind them from us.

ubiquitous bright blue 1-12 pixel sources on darker 3D fractal web in five
2007.09.06 IR and visible light HUDF images, Nor Pirzkal, Sangeeta Malhotra,
James E Rhoads, Chun Xu, -- might be clusters of earliest hypernovae in recent
cosmological simulations: Rich Murray 2008.08.17
Sunday, August 17, 2008


The 5 closeups are about 2.2x2.2 arc-seconds wide and high, about 70x70 pixels.
The HUDF is 315x315 arc-seconds, with N at top and E at left.
Each side has 10,500x10,500 pixels at 0.03 arc-second per pixel.

Click on All Sizes and select Original to view the highest resolution image of
3022x2496 pixels, which can be also be conveniently seen directly at their
Zoomable image:


Notable in the deep background of the five closeups are ubiquitous bright blue
sources, presumably extremely hot ultraviolet before redshifting,
1 to a dozen or so pixels,
as single or short lines of spots, and a few irregular tiny blobs,
probably, as predicted in many recent simulations, the earliest massive,
short-lived hypernovae, GRBs with jets at various angles to our line of sight,
expanding bubbles, earliest molecular and dust clouds with light echoes and
bursts of star formation, and first small dwarf galaxies, always associated with
a subtle darker 3D random fractal mesh of filaments of H and He atomic gases.

As a scientific layman, I am grateful for specific cogent, civil feedback, based
on the details readily visible in images in the public domain.


Hubble and Spitzer Uncover Smallest Galaxy Building Blocks

In this image of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field, several objects are identified
as the faintest, most compact galaxies ever observed in the distant
They are so far away that we see them as they looked less than one billion
years after the Big Bang.
Blazing with the brilliance of millions of stars, each of the newly
discovered galaxies is a hundred to a thousand times smaller than our Milky
Way Galaxy.

The bottom row of pictures shows several of these clumps (distance expressed
in redshift value).
Three of the galaxies appear to be slightly disrupted.
Rather than being shaped like rounded blobs, they appear stretched into
tadpole-like shapes.
This is a sign that they may be interacting and merging with neighboring
galaxies to form larger structures.

The detection required joint observations between Hubble and NASA's Spitzer
Space Telescope.
Blue light seen by Hubble shows the presence of young stars.
The absence of red light from Spitzer observations conclusively shows that
these are truly young galaxies without an earlier generation of stars.

Credit: NASA, ESA, and N. Pirzkal (European Space Agency/STScI)

Id: heic0714a
Object: HUDF, UDF, Hubble Ultra Deep Field
Type: Cosmology
Instrument: ACS
Width: 2750
Height: 3312

Fullsize Original 17.085 MB

view with free software AlternaTIFF

alternatiff-1_8_4.exe for Firefox browser

Large JPEG
3,422 KB

Screensize JPEG
387 KB


Copyright-free material (more info).







HEIC0714: EMBARGOED UNTIL 18:00 (CEST)/12:00 PM EDT 06 September, 2007

News release:
Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescopes find "Lego-block" galaxies in early

06-September 2007 The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope and the NASA
Spitzer Space Telescope have joined forces to discover nine of the
smallest, faintest, most compact galaxies ever observed in the distant
Universe. Blazing with the brilliance of millions of stars, each of the
newly discovered galaxies is a hundred to a thousand times smaller than
our Milky Way Galaxy.

The conventional model for galaxy evolution predicts that small galaxies
in the early Universe evolved into the massive galaxies of today by
coalescing. Nine Lego-like "building block" galaxies initially detected
by Hubble likely contributed to the construction of the Universe as we
know it. "These are among the lowest mass galaxies ever directly
observed in the early Universe" says Nor Pirzkal of the European Space

Pirzkal was surprised to find that the galaxies' estimated masses were
so small. Hubble's cousin observatory, NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope
was called upon to make precise determinations of their masses. The
Spitzer observations confirmed that these galaxies are some of the
smallest building blocks of the Universe.

These young galaxies offer important new insights into the Universe's
formative years, just one billion years after the Big Bang. Hubble
detected sapphire blue stars residing within the nine pristine galaxies.
The youthful stars are just a few million years old and are in the
process of turning Big Bang elements (hydrogen and helium) into heavier
elements. The stars have probably not yet begun to pollute the
surrounding space with elemental products forged within their cores.

"While blue light seen by Hubble shows the presence of young stars, it
is the absence of infrared light in the sensitive Spitzer images that
was conclusive in showing that these are truly young galaxies without an
earlier generation of stars," says Sangeeta Malhotra of Arizona State
University in Tempe, USA, one of the investigators.

The galaxies were first identified by James Rhoads of Arizona State
University, USA, and Chun Xu of the Shanghai Institute of Technical
Physics in Shanghai, China. Three of the galaxies appear to be slightly
disrupted -- rather than being shaped like rounded blobs, they appear
stretched into tadpole-like shapes. This is a sign that they may be
interacting and merging with neighbouring galaxies to form larger,
cohesive structures.

The galaxies were observed in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF) with
Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys and the Near Infrared Camera and
Multi-Object Spectrometer as well as Spitzer's Infrared Array Camera and
the European Southern Observatory's Infrared Spectrometer and Array
Camera. Seeing and analysing such small galaxies at such a great
distance is at the very limit of the capabilities of the most powerful
telescopes. Images taken through different colour filters with the ACS
were supplemented with exposures taken through a so-called grism which
spreads the different colours emitted by the galaxies into short
"trails". The analysis of these trails allows the detection of emission
from glowing hydrogen gas, giving both the distance and an estimate of
the rate of star formation. These "grism spectra" -- taken with Hubble
and analysed with software developed at the Space Telescope-European
Coordinating Facility in Munich, Germany -- can be obtained for objects
that are significantly fainter than can be studied spectroscopically
with any other current telescope.

# # #

Notes for editors
The Hubble Space Telescope is a project of international cooperation
between ESA and NASA.

Pirzkal's main collaborators were Malhotra, Rhoads, Xu, and the GRism
ACS Program for Extragalactic Science (GRAPES) team.

Image credit: NASA, ESA and N. Pirzkal (European Space Agency/STScI)

If you wish to no longer receive these News and Photo Releases, please
send an email to distribution@... with your name.

For more information, please contact:
Nor Pirzkal ;
European Space Agency/Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, USA
Tel:             410-338-4879

Lars Lindberg Christensen ;
Hubble/ESA, Garching, Germany
Tel:             +49-(0)89-3200-6306
Cellular:             +49-(0)173-3872-621

Ray Villard ;
Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, USA
Tel:             +1-410-338-4514

Whitney Clavin
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, USA
Tel:             +1-818-354-4673

AST HUDF Spitzer IR 9 galaxies z 4-5.7, N Pirzdal, S Malhotra, JE Rhoads, C Xu,
2007.05.01 28p


arXiv:astro-ph/0612513v2 1 May 2007
Optical to mid-IR observations of Lyman-a galaxies at z about 5 in the HUDF: a
young and low mass population
N. Pirzkal 1,2,
S. Malhotra 3,
J. E. Rhoads 3,
C. Xu 4


High redshift galaxies selected on the basis of their strong Lyman-a emission
tend to be young ages and small physical sizes.

We show this by analyzing the spectral energy distribution (SED) of 9 Lyman-a
emitting (LAE) galaxies at 4.0 < z < 5.7 in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field

Rest-frame UV to optical 700A < wavelength < 7500A luminosities, or upper
limits, are used to constrain old stellar populations.

We derive best fit, as well as maximally massive and maximally old, properties
of all 9 objects.

We show that these faint and distant objects are all very young, being most
likely only a few millions years old, and not massive, the mass in stars being
about 10E6 to 10E8 M sun.

Deep Spitzer Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) observations of these objects,
even in cases where objects were not detected,
were crucial in constraining the masses of these objects.

The space density of these objects, about 1.25 x 10E-4 per cubic Mpc is
comparable to previously reported space density of LAEs at moderate to high

These Lyman-a galaxies show modest star formation rates of about 8 M sun per
year, which is nevertheless strong enough to have allowed these galaxies to
assemble their stellar mass in less than a few 10E6 years.

These sources appear to have small physical sizes, usually smaller than 1 Kpc,
and are also rather concentrated.

They are likely to be some of the least massive and youngest high redshift
galaxies observed to date.

Subject headings: galaxies: evolution, galaxies: high redshift, galaxies:
formation, galaxies: structure, surveys, cosmology

1 Space Telescope Science Institute, 3700 San Martin Drive, Baltimore, MD 21218,
2 Affiliated with the Space Science Telescope Division of the European Space
Agency, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
3 School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
4 Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, 500 Yutian Road, Shanghai, P.R. China

See similar images:

notable bright blue tiny sources on darker 3D fractal web in HUDF VLT ESO
28 images from 506 galaxies, z about 6 , RJ Bouwens, GD Illingworth,
JP Blakeslee, M Franx 2008.02.04 draft 36 page: Rich Murray 2008.08.17
Sunday, August 17, 2008

bright blue 1-4 pixel sources on darker 3D fractal web in IR and visible light
HUDF images -- might be the clusters of earliest hypernovae in the
Naoki Yoshida and Lars Hernquist simulation: Rich Murray 2008.07.31
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Rich Murray, MA
Boston University Graduate School 1967 psychology,
BS MIT 1964, history and physics,
1943 Otowi Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
505-819-7388       [hidden email]


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