cues to self

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cues to self

Nick Thompson
Frank sent me the following off line and gave me permission to post it.
I don’t know how it’s actually done on modern computers but I can guess how it would have been done on computers as they were when I learned assembly language programming (late 60’s early 70’s).  You have a register that increments a count every time an instruction is executed.  You have an interrupt every second (there is a clock).  When that interrupt occurs you calculate the record the number of instructions executed since the last such interrupt (there are methods for keeping track of hierarchies of interrupts).  You plot that number on a graph (scaled) or print it in a report or whatever.  It doesn’t matter if it is accurate to the nth decimal place since the user (or whoever) just wants a rough estimate of the performance of the CPU.  By the way, the CPU does this calculation.  That’s why I say it’s like Flor doing her home work.  Periodically she just counts (by looking at the paper) how many problems she had done since the last time she checked.  Etc.
My thoughts are:
So, the cue to how I am performing NOW, is how I was performing in the 5 nanoseconds just after you asked me?   But not really performing, though, is it?  I realize that we are coming up against the concept of VALIDITY of a measure, here.  To what extent is "how many calculations did you perform in the last 10 nanoseconds'"a valid measure of performance.?  Frank, can you help me out with this validity thing?


Nicholas Thompson
nickthompson at

----- Original Message -----
From: Frank Wimberly
To: nickthompson at
Sent: 11/29/2005 11:11:27 AM
Subject: RE: [FRIAM] Is Robert a Deterministic System?




Nicholas Thompson
nickthompson at
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cues to self

Frank Wimberly
I think the idea is that it's an approximation that is more or less valid
and that's "good enough for government work".  To get an exact measure of
the instantaneous performance is probably not possible nor would it be
needed for practical puposes.





Frank C. Wimberly      140 Calle Ojo Feliz     Santa Fe, NM 87505

(505) 995-8715 or (505) 670-9918 (cell)

wimberly3 at or wimberly at or
wimberly at




-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf
Of Nicholas Thompson
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 12:06 PM
To: friam at
Subject: [FRIAM] cues to self



Frank sent me the following off line and gave me permission to post it.

I don't know how it's actually done on modern computers but I can guess how
it would have been done on computers as they were when I learned assembly
language programming (late 60's early 70's).  You have a register that
increments a count every time an instruction is executed.  You have an
interrupt every second (there is a clock).  When that interrupt occurs you
calculate the record the number of instructions executed since the last such
interrupt (there are methods for keeping track of hierarchies of
interrupts).  You plot that number on a graph (scaled) or print it in a
report or whatever.  It doesn't matter if it is accurate to the nth decimal
place since the user (or whoever) just wants a rough estimate of the
performance of the CPU.  By the way, the CPU does this calculation.  That's
why I say it's like Flor doing her home work.  Periodically she just counts
(by looking at the paper) how many problems she had done since the last time
she checked.  Etc.

My thoughts are:

So, the cue to how I am performing NOW, is how I was performing in the 5
nanoseconds just after you asked me?   But not really performing, though, is
it?  I realize that we are coming up against the concept of VALIDITY of a
measure, here.  To what extent is "how many calculations did you perform in
the last 10 nanoseconds'"a valid measure of performance.?  Frank, can you
help me out with this validity thing?





Nicholas Thompson

nickthompson at



----- Original Message -----

From: Frank Wimberly <mailto:[hidden email]>  

To: nickthompson at

Sent: 11/29/2005 11:11:27 AM

Subject: RE: [FRIAM] Is Robert a Deterministic System?









Nicholas Thompson

nickthompson at


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