captivating one hour video lecture already seen by a million -- world science proves vegan diet prevents and cures 80% of major human diseases, Michael Greger MD: Rich Murray 2013.08.20

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captivating one hour video lecture already seen by a million -- world science proves vegan diet prevents and cures 80% of major human diseases, Michael Greger MD: Rich Murray 2013.08.20

Rich Murray-2
captivating one hour video lecture already seen by a million -- world science proves vegan diet prevents and cures 80% of major human diseases, Michael Greger MD: Rich Murray 2013.08.20

1:02 hour free video

This free one hour video will save your life and the lives of your loved ones -- science actually proves that vegan diet prevents and cures 80% of the most common diseases that disable and kill -- an amazing lecture that shares the results of hundreds of studies worldwide in recent decades -- it's already been seen by a million people -- and it's fun to watch !

I've been vegan since January, 1999 -- now 71, I find this the most convincing sharing of such evidence I've ever seen.

Other trustworthy sources:

My latest talk went viral!
post from Michael Greger, MD Tuesday 2013.08.20

Dear Rich,
I'm so excited to share that my newest live presentation, More Than an Apple a Day: Preventing Our Most Common Diseases, has reached over a million views on YouTube, breaking my previous record of 800,000 for last year's Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death.

If you have not yet shared my new video with everyone you know (and even a few people you don't! :), please do.

If they find it useful, tell them they can subscribe to for free and receive emails daily, weekly, or monthly highlighting all the new content.

New content like yesterday's video-of-the-day, Survival of the Firmest: Erectile Dysfunction and Death, one of the topics I cover in the live video.

If you have already shared it -- thanks a million!

If you'd like to hand out copies of the new talk on DVD, I continue to offer a five for $40 special (all proceeds go to the nonprofit organization that keeps afloat).

Normally, going "viral" is not something a doctor wants to see, but in this case I'll take it! Update

I've just completed my annual review of the medical and scientific nutrition literature. Throughout the year, I collect all the most interesting, practical, and groundbreaking new studies.

I accomplish this through PubMed alerts, browsing through every issue of every English-language nutrition journal, and living near the largest medical library in the world.

Then I get to scale up this mountain of science in search for hidden treasure. 
Normally this may mean sifting through a few thousand papers. 

To my shock, however, as I eagerly pulled up this year's batch, I discovered that I had chosen and downloaded over 8,000 new articles.

There's no way I can get through all those on my own.

We do have a wonderful team of volunteers tirelessly donating hours whenever they can, but I knew such a monumental task would require someone's full-time attention.

So I'm happy to report we've hired our first full-time employee (all of my time is donated). 

To help me handle this next batch of research I've brought on Jeff Thomas (welcome Jeff!) on a three-month contract, hoping that end-of-year donations will get us back in the black.

Though given this new overhead, mid-year donations would be much appreciated too!

Please consider making a special contribution to our 501c3 nonprofit charity with a credit card, through a direct Paypal link, or by sending a check to: "," c/o Michael Greger, 700 Professional Dr., Gaithersburg, MD 20879 . continues to struggle financially to be self-sustaining, a consequence of our principled refusal to run ads or sell products on the site. will always remain free for all, for all time, even if the day should come when I can no longer afford to add new content.

For a more festive way to donate, ECHOage parties help kids support in a fun, meaningful way.
Know a child with a birthday coming up?

Check out our ECHOage page.

If you're interested in any future positions that open up at
(and if the thought of working for me doesn't terrify you :),
please email your resume now to [hidden email]
so I have it on file.

In health, Michael Greger M.D.

Doctor's Note [ about this video ]

In my annual nutrition review last year, Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death, I explored the role diet may play in preventing, arresting, and even reversing our top 15 killers. 

Actually, if you recall, the top 16.

Since side effects from prescription drugs kill an estimated 106,000 Americans a year, the sixth leading cause of death may actually be doctors.

And that's just from adverse drug reactions.

Add in medical mistakes (which the Institute of Medicine estimates kills at least 44,000 Americans) and that brings "health"care up to our country's third leading cause of death.

Throw in hospital-acquired infections, and we're talking maybe 187,000 Americans dead every year (and millions injured) by medical care.

The best way to avoid the adverse effects of medical and surgical treatments and tests is not to avoid doctors, but to avoid getting sick in the first place. 

This year I thought I'd run through the top dozen reasons people visit their doctors to highlight some of the latest research in hopes of moving me and my colleagues lower down the list of common killers.

So you can more easily navigate through the menu of diseases I touch on, this presentation is also available on DVD through my website or Amazon.

If you want to share copies with others I have a five for $40 special.

All proceeds from the sales of all my books, DVDs, and presentations all go to charity.

 If you haven't yet, you can subscribe to my videos for free by clicking here.

Topics [ mentioned in this video ]

abdominal fat ADHD aging alternative medicine American Egg Board American Public Health Association animal fat animal products animal protein aortic aneurism appendicitis autoimmune diseases beans beef bladder health bladder infection blood pressure bone health breast cancer breast cancer survival breast health cake California Prune Board Campylobacter cancer cancer survival cardiovascular disease cardiovascular health cavities CDC cellulite cervical cancer cheese chemotherapy chicken children cholesterol cluster headaches colon cancer colon health common cold complimentary medicine constipation cooking methods cooking temperatures Crohn's disease cruciferous vegetables dental health depression diabetes diverticulosis dried fruit E. coli eggs elderly endocrine disruptors erectile dysfunction esophageal cancer esophagus health essential tremor exercise eye health fat fecal bacteria fecal contamination fertility fibromyalgia fish flax seeds flexitarians foodborne illness fruit gall bladder disease grains Harmane headaches heart disease hearth health hemorrhoids hernia hot sauce HPV hypertension immune function impotence industry influence lavender LDL leukemia lung cancer meat medications men's health mental health Metamucil methionine migraine headaches milk mood morbidity mortality multiple sclerosis muscle health mushrooms nutritional yeast nuts obesity oils oral health pain pap smear placebo plant protein plant-based diets plums pork prostate cancer protein prunes PSA rectal cancer reproductive health respiratory infections safety limits Salmonella saturated fat seafood side effects skin health smoking STD strawberries stroke sugar surgery trans fats tremors turkey USDA vaginal health vaginosis varicose veins vegans vegetables vegetarians Viagra virus vision water weight loss women's health xenoestrogens Yale yogurt

11% of aspartame is methanol, which becomes free floating formaldehyde inside human cells -- methanol also in cigarettes and canned fruits and vegetables: Rich Murray 2013.08.20

similar macular harm in multiple sclerosis as from formaldehyde made
by ADH enzyme inside retina capillary walls from methanol, Prof.
Woodrow C. Monte text "While Science Sleeps" 2012 Jan -- some quotes
re retina harm: Rich Murray 2012.05.10

Human epidemiological studies so far fail to control for additional common methanol sources: cigarettes and wood and peat smoke, smoked foods, fresh tomatoes, and degraded pectins from unfresh fruits juices vegetables preserved wet at room temperature in sealed cans jars plastic containers...

Methanol has 3 hour half-life in blood, enters all cells in body and fetus, and is made into uncontrolled formaldehyde by ADH1 enzyme inside cells of 20 human tissues --Woodrow C. Monte gives 786 free full text references at .

autism as a birth defect from epigenetic methylation by formaldehyde made from methanol by ADH1 enzyme inside Purkinje cells in vermis in cerebellum and in inner walls of brain blood vessels -- Prof. WC Monte paradigm: Rich Murray 2013.04.26

CA Pardo autism brain autopsy findings in 2005 fit WC Monte paradigm -- methanol with blood half-life 3 hours is made by ADH1 enzyme into free floating formaldehyde in 20 defenseless human cells in 20 tissues: Rich Murray 2013.07.21

The Woodrow C. Monte methanol/formaldehyde toxicity paradigm is that
concentrations of ADH1 enzyme, well known to exist inside blood vessel
wall cells in specific tissues, quickly turn methanol into
formaldehyde inside the vessel cells, in humans only -- the highly
reactive formaldehyde diffuses to penetrate adjacent tissue cells,
binding to DNA, RNA, and proteins, attracting macrophages, which die,
creating complex, expanding micro lesions, leading to many modern
"diseases of civilization", Alzheimer's, arthritis, diabetes, multiple
sclerosis, lupus -- as well as later cancers -- also serious birth
defects in the fetal brain in the fourth week of pregnancy, spinal
bifida and autism.

Aspartame is 11% methanol, 22 mg per can of diet drink -- similar
levels of methanol come from wood and cigarette smoke, heated and
canned fruits juices vegetables, fermented and smoked foods, some
wines and liquors, vehicle fuels, many cleaners and solvents, chemical
medical autopsy mortuary facilities, heated wood in particleboard and
paper factories, and more.

WC Monte submits robust evidence for multiple sclerosis, which he concludes proves methanol to be the proximate toxic cause, since ADH1 enzyme is within the cells of the inner linings of brain blood vessels, the Purkinje cells of the vermis of the cerebellum, and rods and cones of the retina -- ADH1 quickly turns methanol into free floating formaldehyde within these cells, disrupting the blood brain barrier...

California OEHHA sets methanol ingestion level 23 mg daily, same as from 1 can aspartame diet soda, 10 cigarettes, 3 tomatoes, or 4 cans green beans: Rich Murray 2013.07.03

"However, the anticipated exposure to methanol from consumption of aspartame would not be considered an exposure within the meaning of Proposition 65 because aspartame is not listed under Proposition 65. "

[ Rich Murray: Many pregnant women drink one 12-oz can aspartame diet drink daily, with 200 mg aspartame that gives 11% methanol, 22 mg, which is just under the OEHHA limit of 23 mg daily.

The smoke from 10 cigarettes gives 20 mg methanol, the same as from  3 full size fresh tomatoes, or 4 cans of unfresh green beans. ]

See also:

James McDonald to EFSA, outdated aspartame ADI gives methanol 35 times too high for human safety, ten minute talk at April 9 public sharing, Brussels: Rich Murray 2013.04.15

aspartame harm in rat brain from 75 mg/kg gives human ADI 0.75 mg/kg, 53
times less than EU ADI 40 mg/kg, Ashok Iyyaswamy, SheelaDevi Rathinasamy,
U. Madras 2012.08.03 free full text -- main methanol toxin is formaldehyde,
not formate: Rich Murray 2013.06.01

more lower aspartame and methanol ADIs from studies by RH Nair, SheelaDevi
Rathinasamy, WC Monte, PS Jeganathan, A Namasivayam, Hazleton Labs, Searle
Labs: Rich Murray 2013.06.01

Kate S. Collison et al show prediabetic harm in gene expression in mice fed lifetime aspartame, MSG, trans fats -- reduce human aspartame ADI 1000 times: Rich Murray 2013.07.30

aspartame impairment of spatial cognition and insulin sensitivity in
mice, focus on phenylalanine and aspartate [ methanol also crosses
placenta into fetus, turning into teratogenic formaldehyde], Kate S.
Collison et al, PLoS One 2012.04.03: Rich Murray 2012.04.29

usual doses of aspartame proven to cause cancers, Michael F. Jacobson PhD, Director, Center for Science in the Public Interest -- also long 1985 statement: Rich Murray 2013.08.15

highly competent, pithy analysis of aspartame cancer study by Eva S.
Schernhammer at Harvard, William R. Ware, PhD, showing relevance of
Woodrow C. Monte methanol-formaldehyde toxicity paradigm: Rich Murray

careful expert lifetime study on mice shows liver and lung cancers
from aspartame, M Soffritti et al, Ramazzini Institute, Italy, checked
by US National Toxicology Program experts, confirms many previous
studies from 2001 on: Rich Murray 2011.02.27

The public EFSA session on aspartame safety on April 9 for 5 hours included an audience of about 50 experts and 10-20 ESFA staff in Brussels.

The release of the final EFSA review on aspartame safety will be delayed from April 15 to November, 2013.

Extremely cogent multiple lines of robust evidence were briefly described that strongly support the methanol formaldehyde toxicity paradigm of Prof. Woodrow C. Monte, Prof. Food Science and Nutrition, Arizona State University, retired 2004 -- supported by an online archive of 782 free full text medical research references at

It is clear that methanol is far more dangerous for chronic low level exposures than realized since 1890.

Major sources include the smoke from a pack of cigarettes, 40 mg methanol,the same as from 2 cans aspartame diet drink. It now seems likely that most cigarette diseases are actually methanol toxicity...

Methanol stays in the blood with a half-life of 3 hours, reaching every part of the body and the fetus with the bloodstream, and readily entering all cells.

Humans are uniquely vulnerable to methanol formaldehyde toxicity, as they lack a functioning catalase enzyme system, that in all other creatures serves to protect each cell against the rapid conversion of methanol into free floating formaldehyde right inside the cells of 20 specific tissues that have high levels of ADH1 enzyme.

The effects are used to good advantage in embalming and disinfection, as formaldehyde immediately bonds to and impairs DNA, RNA, and proteins, permanently disrupting cell biochemistry, cell by cell, as long as methanol is ingested -- leading to 20 specific chronic modern novel "diseases of civilization", that progress slowly and erratically, according to the ingestion of methanol from a variety of modern sources:

smoke from cigarettes, wood, and peat;

since 1983, aspartame, including from most chewing gums;

fresh tomatoes and black currants;

unfresh fruits juices vegetables cut up and preserved wet at room temperature in sealed cans jars plastic containers;

jams jellies marmalades;

smoked fermented spoiled foods;

many dark wines and liquors;

work at paper and wood factories, mortuaries, medical and chemical facilities;

Research since 2012 specifically shows the presence of formaldehyde bonded to cellular macromolecules inside cells after methanol ingestion -- the paradigm will be confirmed in detail very quickly, as science exponentially explores this simple breakthrough.

This presents the world food industry with an unprecedented opportunity to serve the huge public good by collaborating vigorously to eliminate all methanol exposures from foods and beverages. The Net guarantees that the news and evidence will spread explosively everywhere.

Paul Thomas MD Pediatrics and Integrative Medicine, Portland OR, praises
"While Science Sleeps" at -- WC Monte paradigm of methanol
formaldehyde toxicity via ADH1 enzyme in 20 human tissues, including fetus: Rich Murray 2013.04.03

Prof. Resia Pretorius letter re aspartame to EJCN cites Prof. Woodrow C.
Monte "While Science Sleeps" text, re methanol/formaldehyde toxicity
paradigm: Rich Murray 2012.05.21

Aspartame: The hidden danger [methanol/formaldehyde] in our midst and how it kills us, 12 page review of While Science Sleeps text (Woodrow C Monte), International Health News, whole June issue, Editor: William R Ware PhD: Rich Murray 2012.06.08

Table 5.2 is the key chart -- ADH1 enzyme at high levels in 20 tissues in body and fetus makes methanol into formaldehyde right inside cells, initiating over 20 human diseases, with full text references, WC Monte paradigm: Rich Murray 2013.03.21

"As a matter of course, every soul citizen of Earth has a priority to
quickly find and positively share evidence for healthy and safe food,
drink, environment, and society."

within the fellowship of service,

Rich Murray,
MA Boston University Graduate School 1967 psychology,
BS MIT 1964 history and physics,
254-A Donax Avenue, Imperial Beach, CA 91932-1918,
<a href="tel:505-819-7388" value="+15058197388" target="_blank">505-819-7388 cell,
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