I'd like to present these hundreds of fine color images on the large screen
in a weekly evening gathering at SF Complex for shared discussion. awesome evidence (Google Earth images, stereo pairs, some videos) from Mexico to Canada for 500 km comet rubble pile air impacts 12950 BP --Dennis Cox: Rich Murray 2010.01.13 http://rmforall.blogspot.com/2010_01_01_archive.htm Wednesday, January 13, 2010 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/astrodeep/message/35 _____________________________________________________ December 16, 2009 at 2:32 pm http://anthropology.net/2009/12/16/more-clovis-comet-debate-and-a-response-from-dr-richard-firestone-2/#comment-15812 craterhunter added a new comment to the post More Clovis Comet Debate and a Response from Dr.Richard Firestone. craterhunter said on More Clovis Comet Debate and a Response from Dr.Richard Firestone January 10, 2010 at 2:27 pm If it is ok to take a firm stand on one side of the debate, or the other, I'll cast my lot with Dr. Firestone, and friends. I was trained to do battle damage assessment in the military. And it has been an interest ever since. A long time ago, when the first LandSat images became available to the general public, I noticed some explosive blast effects in the southwest US, and central Mexico that couldn't be believably explained by standard theory in the light of the new hi-res satellite images. At the time I knew nothing of any work on the Younger Dryas cooling. And it was long before anyone had proposed fragmented comet impacts. But it was a wonderful conundrum. I knew I was looking at the ground effects of an unimaginably violent event that flew in the face everything I had ever learned. And I knew of no natural energy release to account for them. For that matter I knew of no kind of natural energy release at all that could do what I was seeing. The ground effects, and blast effected materials, I had noticed all seemed to point to something that happened around the end of the last Ice age. And, when I learned of work on the Younger Dryas Boundary layer, and the nano-diamonds R.B. Firestone et al, and others had found there, I realized they confirmed some of what I had found. It confirmed, if nothing else, that an event of the level of destruction I was looking at did indeed happen. And recently enough too. >From what I can see R.B. Firestone et al are spot on. There is no end to the theories related to to the so called Younger Dryas impact event. Some are good, and some not so good. And I've no doubt, you have heard them all by now. But here's a fresh viewpoint that looks at the actual ground effects of such an event from a fluid mechanics / blast analysis point of view: http://sites.google.com/site/dragonstormproject/ Dennis Cox -- awesome site with hundreds of quality Google Earth photos, some stereo images, and a few short videos http://craterhunter.wordpress.com/the-planetary-scaring-of-the-younger-dryas-impact-event/the-benivides-impact-structure/ A CATASTROPHE OF COMETS THE GEOPHYSICAL WORLD ACORDING TO ME, AND A FEW FOLKS I HAPPEN TO AGREE WITH The Benavides Impact Structure The explosive process that did this has never been studied before. The semi circular ring of The Benavides Impact Structure is 17 miles wide. Just accros the border from Terlingua, Texas, and Big Bend National Park, USA. The perfect semi-circle was the first anomalous land form I noticed in the satelite images. It was obvious that it is the result of a violent explosive event that standard theory can't properly describe. And my obsessive curiosity wouldn't let me leave it alone. The maps show this area to be volcanic due to the melt formations. But there is no volcanic vent here so the violence did not come from below. The 17 mile ring, as well as the smaller, overlapping, 8 mile wide impressions are all perfect circles incised into the surface from above. The mega-breccias and ignimbrites outside the structure were blown there by a great force of heat and pressure which scoured everything from inside the circles and cut into the surface like a giant cookie cutter. And the heat inside the circles was enough to re-weld the fractures in the rock. Here we begin to see some of the clear evidence of the predominant southeast to morthwest direction of the impact firestorm in the directional nature of the breccias, and other blast effected materials of this structure. Outside of the southeast edge of the structure, the pressure driven, blast effected, materials were thrown into the super-sonic impact wind so they piled up outside the compression wave of the explosion in a standing wave of mega breccias The breccias are heaped 800 to 1000 ft high. On the opposite side, outside of the northwest edge of the structure are repeated blankets of ejecta, and ignimgrites thrown down wind 10 miles, or more. The melted material did not come out of the ground. There is no vent here. Whatever the heat source may have been it was not volcanic. The melt blankets of ejecta, consist of the original surface terrain, flash melted from above, and quickly blown off, and away, from its points of origin. The white line in the bottom left is 1 mile for scale. These are stereoscopic images. Click on them for an enlarged view. To see the 3D effect simply focus on the center line, and cross your eyes a little, until a 3D image seems to appear in the middle. Looking down to the southeast from about 45 km up. The inter-fingering patterns of movement, and flow in the edges of these blankets of melt are consistent with sudden emplacement like impact melt ejected from a crater. Looking west, down the valley formed by the ring, we see the mega-brecias on the up-wind side of the structure. Volcanoes don't do this. PUBLISHED ON DECEMBER 28, 2009 AT 4:14 PM COMMENTS http://www.authorstream.com/User-Presentations/DragonHunter/ Joined: 25 Nov 2009 Last Login: 1 month ago DragonHunter 's Channels Dragon Hunter Subscribe to author's Rss Feed DragonHunter 's Categories All Science & Technology DragonHunter's Podcasts http://www.google.com/profiles/cloviscometfirestorm Dennis Cox [ photo ] Independant Geological Research Fresno, California About me Where I grew up -- central California Places I've lived -- Montana, Washington, North Dakota http://theholocenecomet.blogspot.com/ FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 2010 The planetary scaring of the Younger Dryas impact event. "...Our impactors appear to have been a large, highly fragmented, and loosely grouped, cluster, about 500 km wide, like a giant, flying gravel pile. The thing would have looked like a sister to the images of the fragments of comet Linear seen here. It came in at very high velocity, and low angle of approach from the southeast. And almost all of the fragments exploded above ground like Tunguska. Except that, in Mexico, only the very first of the fragments on the leading edge fell into cold atmosphere. The rest fell into already super heated impact plasma, and just added to the heat. The primary impact zone is a 500 by 1300 km oval that covers most of north central Mexico. And extends well up into west Texas, and New Mexico. The other impact zone is a little smaller in the great lakes region. And it extends from northern Minnesota, well up into Canada...." http://tmgnow.com/TMG1/?p=240 The Millenium Group A Different Kind of Catastrophe garydgoodwin December 28, 2009 Tags: Asteroid, Catastrophe, Comet, Dinosaur Extinction, Impact, Younger Dryas Boundary This entry, I would like to introduce a guest writer -- Dennis Cox. I was very impressed with his theories of a Different Kind of Catastrophe! He not only comes through with a new theory, but research to back it up Please give him an opportunity! And Thanks, Dennis, for a very well written article. "...In New Mexico at the northern edge of the primary impact zone there are crater fields with too many craters to count about the size of a football field. They are on the other side of the state from any ordinance testing. And they are described in the maps, and literature simply as "enigmatic depressions".. Let's see, perfectly round, punched into the surface from above, yep! pretty darned enigmatic to me. But only if you don't believe in giant, geologically significant, multiple fragment, thermal impact events. I've also cataloged more than 700 non-standard impact structures that are more consistent with the hot, and powerful, surface detonation of a shaped thermal explosive charge than anything from we thought we knew about impact events, or possible compositions of bolides. Depending on the strength of the surface, and the size of the detonation, the blast burns grade from a deep, thermal burn to a full fledged crater. And they are square. That's right, I said square, with a capital "S", square. No two are exactly alike. And the ones that only show a thermal blast burn without excavating a crater make it clear that the square shape is a product of the detonation burn pattern. Not the result of patterned fracturing in the surface rock. Here are links to the image set of square blast burns, and craters, in roughly 100 image, gallery segments. As well as a few ordinary round ones. They are in no particular order, as they were saved pretty much in the order they were found. There may even be a duplicate, here and there. And this is by no means a complete inventory of them. 1 to 100, 101 to 200, 201 to 300, 301 to 400, 401 to 500, 501 to 600, 601 to 700 and Crater Field. (These last two galleries are a work in progress) http://www.dropbox.com/gallery/2268163/1/Sq1?h=da1edb 5 pages of 20 large color Google Earth images of craters # 1 to 100 I'm still hoping for a seasoned physicist to weigh in on them. So share them around as you see fit...." ___________________________________________________ exact Carolina Bay crater locations, RB Firestone, A West, et al, two YD reviews, 2008 June, 2009 Nov, also 3 upcoming abstracts: Rich Murray 2009.11.14 http://rmforall.blogspot.com/2009_11_01_archive.htm Saturday, November 14, 2009 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/astrodeep/message/31 nanodiamond evidence for 12,900 BP Clovis extinction impact, Santa Rosa Island, discussion on Scientific American website, Carolina Bay type craters east of Las Vegas, NM: Rich Murray 2009.09.15 http://rmforall.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.htm Friday, July 24, 2009 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AstroDeep/28 widespread Carolina Bay type craters from Clovis comet 12,900 Ya BP? -- 0.7 M long NS crater with fractured red sandstone on SW rim, CR C 53A, 20 miles E of Las Vegas, NM: Rich Murray 2009.06.08 http://rmforall.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.htm Monday, June 8, 2009 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AstroDeep/27 _____________________________________________________ Rich Murray, MA Boston University Graduate School 1967 psychology, BS MIT 1964, history and physics, 1943 Otowi Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505 505-501-2298 [hidden email] http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AstroDeep/messages http://RMForAll.blogspot.com new primary archive http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aspartameNM/messages group with 142 members, 1,588 posts in a public archive http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rmforall/messages participant, Santa Fe Complex www.sfcomplex.org _____________________________________________________ ============================================================ FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org |
The first two links below do not work! regards mhb On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 1:07 AM, Rich Murray <[hidden email]> wrote: I'd like to present these hundreds of fine color images on the large screen in a weekly evening gathering at SF Complex for shared discussion. ============================================================ FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org |
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