> I've clicked on the link and looked around, but it seems to be one of
> those obfuscated websites which purposefully makes things difficult
> to find, (to maximize clicks and advertisements I guess.)
> Is there an actual article? I can only find comments, and these are
> about the book itself, rather than some article.
> Thanks,
> Rich
> On Dec 19, 2005, at 12:15 PM, Giles Bowkett wrote:
> >
http://www.lifehacker.com/software/life-hacks/applying-> > freakonomics-143957.php
> >
> > "Lifehacker contributor Matt Haughey describes how he applied lessons
> > from the popular book Freakonomics to his life this past year while
> > selling his house and purchasing life insurance."
> >
> > --
> > Giles Bowkett = Giles Goat Boy
> >
http://www.gilesgoatboy.org/> >
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