You Are Invited

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You Are Invited

Orlando Leibovitz

Occam's Razor: All other things being equal, the simplest solution is the best.  
William of Occam, 14th Century Logician and Franciscan Friar

All other things being equal, the simplest solution is the best, but no simpler.
Albert Einstein, 20th Century Physicist

You are invited to attend a collaboration of art and technology

Opening October 18, 4:00pm to 8:00pm
The Santa Fe Complex
632 Agua Fria Street

Albert and the Electromagnetic Wave, painted by me, will be shown.
Artist statement is below. Essay by Bob Eisenstein attached.

Artist Statement

All other things being equal, the simplest solution is the best. William of Occam

Imagination is more important then knowledge. Albert Einstein

After a certain level of technical skill is achieved, science and art tend to coalesce in aesthetics, plasticity and form.
The greatest scientists are always artists as well. Albert Einstein

Albert and the Electromagnetic Wave is one painting in an ongoing series entitled Desire. The paintings are designed to do the
most with the least, which is another way of stating Occam's Razor. Many of the paintings refer to physics and famous physicists.
Art and science have different constraints, but the link is creativity and imagination. I am working with that connection.

As a teenager Einstein performed one of his first thought experiments. He tried to imagine what it would be like to ride an
electromagnetic wave. The wave illustrated in the painting is derived from the math. Most of the jute is left raw. The palette
is limited to two colors, mixed with white or black. Everything is presented as simply as possible. I made no attempt to constrain my imagination.
The medium is acrylic on raw jute. The size is 54"x48".


Orlando Leibovitz

[hidden email]

Studio Telephone: 505-820-6183

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Leibovitz on Einstein.doc (48K) Download Attachment