YD impact black mat site in NW Venezuela Andes, WC Mahaney et al, Geomorphology 2010 March: also 4 substantial amateurs: Rich Murray 2010.02.11

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YD impact black mat site in NW Venezuela Andes, WC Mahaney et al, Geomorphology 2010 March: also 4 substantial amateurs: Rich Murray 2010.02.11

Rich Murray
YD impact black mat site in NW Venezuela Andes, WC Mahaney et al, Geomorphology 2010 March: also 4 substantial amateurs: Rich Murray 2010.02.11
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Rich Murray: Real science hops from failure to failure, from several
falsifiable hypotheses in confused competition to the next set, until a
consensus evolves around a surviving paradigm that often uses
aspects of its predecessors, adding unexpected novel ideas that lead
to productive questions and more definitive tests, as disparate data
starts to fit an overall unifying view.

Right now, we seem to be in a phase of "herding cats" -- it seems
that objects have been hurling every which way during recent times.

As one of the most unqualified participants, I hope to help raise
the level of openmindedness and unfettered curiousity in this game
of truth, for we all honestly hope for outcomes that advance our
jointly cocreated world, which has so richly benefited from the
ethical advances of inspired civil rational discourse based on
publicly shared information.

We never know we don't know before we start to know...

I hope an expert laboratory group will keenly examine the elements
and isotopes in the commonly found red, white, and dark fragments,
often as durable surface coatings that may be from high temperature
and pressure blasts.

Volume 116, Issues 1-2, 15 March 2010, Pages 48-57
Copyright © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Evidence from the northwestern Venezuelan Andes for
extraterrestrial impact: The black mat enigma
W.C. Mahaney a, a Quaternary Surveys, 26 Thornhill Ave.,
Thornhill, Ontario, Canada L4J 1J4
WC Mahaney <
V. Kalm b, b Institute of Ecology & Earth Sciences,
Tartu University, Tartu, EE51014, Estonia
D.H. Krinsley c, c Institute of Geological Sciences,
University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, 97403-1272, USA
P. Tricart d, d Laboratoire de Geodynamique des Chaînes Alpines,
University of Grenoble, Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers,
38041, Grenoble, France
S. Schwartz d,
J. Dohme f, f The Museum, The University of Tokyo,
Tokyo, 113-0033, Japan
K.J. Kim g, g Geological Research Division
(Prospective Geoscience Research Department), Korea Institute of
Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM), 92 Gwahang-no,
Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-350, Republic of Korea
B. Kapran a,
M.W. Milner a,
R. Beukens h, h IsoTrace Lab, Dept of Physics,
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A7
S. Boccia i, i Department of Materials Science,
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3E4
R.G.V. Hancock j, j Department of Medical Physics and Applied
Radiation Sciences and Department of Anthropology,
McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4K1
K.M. Hart k k School of Chemical Sciences, Dublin City
University, Ballymun Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9, Ireland
and B. Kelleher k
Received 11 January 2009;  revised 9 October 2009;
accepted 14 October 2009.  Available online 24 October 2009.


A carbon-rich black layer encrusted on a sandy pebbly bed of
outwash in the northern Venezuelan Andes, previously considered
the result of an alpine grass fire, is now recognized as a 'black mat'
candidate correlative with Clovis Age sites in North America,
falling  within the range of 'black mat' dated sites (~ 12.9 ka cal BP).

As such, the bed at site MUM7B, which dates to < 11.8 ka
4C years BP (raw dates) and appears to be contemporaneous with
the Younger Dryas (YD) cooling event, marks a possibly much
more extensive occurrence than previously identified.

No fossils (megafauna) or tool assemblages were observed at this
newly identified candidate site (3800 a.m.s.l.), as in the case of the
North American sites.

Here, evidence is presented for an extraterrestrial impact event
at ~ 12.9 ka.

The impact-related Andean bed, located ~20 cm above
13.7-13.3 ka cal BP alluvial and glaciolacustrine deposits,
falls within the sediment characteristics and age range of 'black mat'
dated sites (~12.9 ka cal BP) in North America.

Site sediment characteristics include:
glassy spherules,
magnetic microspherules,
carbon mat 'welded' onto coarse granular material,
occasional presence of platinum group metals (Rh and Ru),
planar deformation features (pdfs) in fine silt-size fragmental grains
of quartz,
as well as orthoclase,
and monazite (with an abundance of Rare Earth Elements -- REEs).

If the candidate site is 'black mat', correlative with the 'black mat'
sites of North America, such an extensive occurrence may support
the hypothesized airburst/impact over the Laurentide Glacier, which
led to a reversal of Allerød warming and the onset of YD cooling
and readvance of glaciers.

While this finding does not confirm such, it merits further investigation,
which includes the reconnaissance for additional sites in
South America.

Furthermore, if confirmed, such an extensive occurrence may
corroborate an impact origin.

Keywords: Asteroid impact; Black mat; Younger Dryas;

Article Outline

1. Introduction
2. Regional geology
3. Geomorphic background
4. Methods and materials
5. Results
5.1. Stratigraphy
5.2. Color and particle size
5.3. Lithology
5.4. Light microscopy
5.5. Scanning electron microscopy
5.6. Raman analysis
6. Discussion
6.1. Hypothesis 1
6.2. Hypothesis 2
6.3. Hypothesis 3
6.4. Hypothesis 4
7. Conclusions

Purchase PDF (1680 K)


Late Quaternary sedimentology and geochronology of small playas
on the Southern High Plains, Texas and New Mexico, U.S.A.
Vance T. Holliday a, a Departments of Anthropology and
Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA
James H. Mayer b b Department of Geosciences,
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA
and Glen G. Fredlund c c Department of Geography, University of
Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 53201, USA
Received 13 April 2007.  Available online 2 May 2008.
Quaternary Research
Volume 70, Issue 1, July 2008, Pages 11-25

"Playas are small, circular basins forming a ubiquitous component
of the southern High Plains landscape.
They are filled with carbonaceous mud deposited since
the terminal Pleistocene.
The stratigraphy and geochronology of 30 playas was investigated to
better understand the paleoenvironmental record of basin filling.
At the base of the fill in some playas is a well sorted eolian sand
dated between ~ 13,000 and ~ 11,000 14C yr BP...
The SHP [Southern High Plains] is an extensive semi-arid plateau
(~80,000 km2) in northwest Texas and eastern New Mexico (Fig. 2).
There are ~25,000 small playa basins (b5km2) dotting the landscape
(Fig. 1) (Sabin and Holliday, 1995), providing minimal topographic
relief on the plateau
(Reeves, 1972, 1990; Holliday et al., 1996; Holliday, 1997a).
...Several lines of evidence indicate that many if not most basins
resulted from erosive processes, however, including centripetal
fluvial erosion and deflation
(Gustavson et al., 1995; Sabin and Holliday, 1995).
This evidence includes: disconformable contacts between basin fill
and the Blackwater Draw Formation, cross-cutting relationships
between the basins and the Blackwater Draw Formation, and
variation in playa size and shape as a function of variation in
sediment texture of the Blackwater Draw Formation.
None of the study basins were produced by extraterrestrial
processes, except for the Odessa Meteor Crater, despite claims
to the contrary by Firestone et al. (2006, p. 216-217).
Playa basins vary considerably in size.
The smallest are barely perceptible depressions a few meters in
Larger playas are up to 5 km2 (2.5 km diameter), although a
few are much larger (Holliday et al., 1996).
Most are ~1.5 km2, however, and about half are ~0.1 km2 (Fig. 1)
(Sabin and Holliday, 1995).
Present-day depths range from basins that are completely filled
with lacustrine sediment and have no topographic expression to
basins >14 m deep..."

third Meteor Night, 7 pm Tuesday Feb 2, SF Complex -- soon I will
show Tim McElvain 3 sites in La Tierra-Las Dos subdivision,
Santa Fe, NM -- my samples show intense blast effects with surface
melting and mineral coatings: Rich Murray 2010.01.28
Thursday, January 28, 2010

large dense fractal meteor cluster in Alaska?  also 21 pages re
unusual 0.6 m rock in Palmer: Horace Heffner:
Rich Murray 2010.01.24
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Meteor Night 7 pm tonight, Santa Fe Complex, Santa Fe, Jan 19,
Rich Murray with 10x12 screen on two extensive websites by
Dennis Cox and by Tim McElvain: Rich Murray 2010.01.19
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

28 small images
The Tupana (Panela crater) Event Hypothesis [ NE Brazil ]
Pierson Barretto 

28 small images
The Tupana (Panela crater) Event Hypothesis -- NE Brazil
Imagens relacionadas às crateras meteoríticas, na Lua, na Terra.
Um ensaio sobre o Evento Tupana; a hipótese.
Images related to meteoritic craters, in the Moon, the Earth.
An assay on the Tupana Event; the hypothesis.
Click in the images to read more.

http://www.astrosafor.net/Huygens/2009/77/h-77-tupana.pdf  11p
[ in Spanish, with resume and photo ]
Pierson Barretto, PhD 

#1/35 CapivaraPalaeoLagoons 4 craters
9 km SE of Sao Raimundo Nonato on BR 324,
858 km W of Recife on coast
Date: 12/03/2009 Owner: Pierson Barretto
Size:  Full Size 1004x923
#1 -9.0805 -42.6270 .396  km .394 low .2x.15 km ~2 m resolution
#2  -9.0764 -42.6592 .401 .397 .6x.3
#3  -9.0743 -42.6378 .406 .400 .4x.2
#4  -9.0626 -42.6435 .399 .396 .2x.2

Date: 12/01/2009 Owner: Pierson Barretto
Size:  Full size: 1004x923
-14.7400 23.9712 1.129 km al  eye al 53.74 km 2005.05.16

Dennis Cox,  Fresno, California

Thornton H. "Tim" McElvain, Santa Fe, New Mexico

[ Argentina slideshow: Google Earth images with coordinates ]
[ We presented a poster presentation the December 2009 AGU
meeting in San Francisco of some of the Perigee: Zero concepts
as they pertain to the Carolina bays and their role in identifying
a possible YDB impact crater.
A comprehensive review of the conjecture and our
Heuristic Argument is discussed in this section.
A PDF file of the submission in slide presentation form is available for
download HERE.
Please note that since the meeting, we have demoted Lake Michigan
in favor of an impact at the Saginaw Bay and Michigan proper,
although neither hypothesis has proven an adequate solution
at the present time. ]
http://cintos.org/cintosOrg/agu2009/PP31D-1387_Poster.pdf 18p
[ in Vista, use Control + to enlarge image ]
Michael E Davias
michael@...; michael@...;
Jeannette L Gilbride

awesome evidence (Google Earth images, stereo pairs, some videos)
from Mexico to Canada for 500 km comet rubble pile air impacts
12950 BP -- Dennis Cox: Rich Murray 2010.01.13
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

exact Carolina Bay crater locations, RB Firestone, A West, et al,
two YD reviews, 2008 June, 2009 Nov,
also 3 upcoming abstracts: Rich Murray 2009.11.14
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Rich Murray, MA
Boston University Graduate School 1967 psychology,
BS MIT 1964, history and physics,
1943 Otowi Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505


http://RMForAll.blogspot.com new primary archive

group with 142 members, 1,588 posts in a public archive


participant, Santa Fe Complex www.sfcomplex.org

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org
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Re: YD impact black mat site in NW Venezuela Andes, WC Mahaney et al, Geomorphology 2010 March: also 4 substantial amateurs: Rich Murray 2010.02.11

michael barron
Is there a way with Google Earth to estimate angles of crater impact. If there is
then you could have a map as low-med-high angles and be able to establish
some type of footprint for the impact area, and compare it to other ones.
If that were the case, then with a detail analysis of one in a group and relating it
to the others you would have a time line or history of all the impact craters.
michael barron

On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 10:27 PM, Rich Murray <[hidden email]> wrote:
YD impact black mat site in NW Venezuela Andes, WC Mahaney et al, Geomorphology 2010 March: also 4 substantial amateurs: Rich Murray 2010.02.11
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Rich Murray: Real science hops from failure to failure, from several
falsifiable hypotheses in confused competition to the next set, until a
consensus evolves around a surviving paradigm that often uses
aspects of its predecessors, adding unexpected novel ideas that lead
to productive questions and more definitive tests, as disparate data
starts to fit an overall unifying view.

Right now, we seem to be in a phase of "herding cats" -- it seems
that objects have been hurling every which way during recent times.

As one of the most unqualified participants, I hope to help raise
the level of openmindedness and unfettered curiousity in this game
of truth, for we all honestly hope for outcomes that advance our
jointly cocreated world, which has so richly benefited from the
ethical advances of inspired civil rational discourse based on
publicly shared information.

We never know we don't know before we start to know...

I hope an expert laboratory group will keenly examine the elements
and isotopes in the commonly found red, white, and dark fragments,
often as durable surface coatings that may be from high temperature
and pressure blasts.

Volume 116, Issues 1-2, 15 March 2010, Pages 48-57
Copyright © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Evidence from the northwestern Venezuelan Andes for
extraterrestrial impact: The black mat enigma
W.C. Mahaney a, a Quaternary Surveys, 26 Thornhill Ave.,
Thornhill, Ontario, Canada L4J 1J4
WC Mahaney <
[hidden email]>
V. Kalm b, b Institute of Ecology & Earth Sciences,
Tartu University, Tartu, EE51014, Estonia
D.H. Krinsley c, c Institute of Geological Sciences,
University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, 97403-1272, USA
P. Tricart d, d Laboratoire de Geodynamique des Chaînes Alpines,
University of Grenoble, Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers,
38041, Grenoble, France
S. Schwartz d,
J. Dohme f, f The Museum, The University of Tokyo,
Tokyo, 113-0033, Japan
K.J. Kim g, g Geological Research Division
(Prospective Geoscience Research Department), Korea Institute of
Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM), 92 Gwahang-no,
Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-350, Republic of Korea
B. Kapran a,
M.W. Milner a,
R. Beukens h, h IsoTrace Lab, Dept of Physics,
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A7
S. Boccia i, i Department of Materials Science,
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3E4
R.G.V. Hancock j, j Department of Medical Physics and Applied
Radiation Sciences and Department of Anthropology,
McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4K1
K.M. Hart k k School of Chemical Sciences, Dublin City
University, Ballymun Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9, Ireland
and B. Kelleher k
Received 11 January 2009;  revised 9 October 2009;
accepted 14 October 2009.  Available online 24 October 2009.


A carbon-rich black layer encrusted on a sandy pebbly bed of
outwash in the northern Venezuelan Andes, previously considered
the result of an alpine grass fire, is now recognized as a 'black mat'
candidate correlative with Clovis Age sites in North America,
falling  within the range of 'black mat' dated sites (~ 12.9 ka cal BP).

As such, the bed at site MUM7B, which dates to < 11.8 ka
4C years BP (raw dates) and appears to be contemporaneous with
the Younger Dryas (YD) cooling event, marks a possibly much
more extensive occurrence than previously identified.

No fossils (megafauna) or tool assemblages were observed at this
newly identified candidate site (3800 a.m.s.l.), as in the case of the
North American sites.

Here, evidence is presented for an extraterrestrial impact event
at ~ 12.9 ka.

The impact-related Andean bed, located ~20 cm above
13.7-13.3 ka cal BP alluvial and glaciolacustrine deposits,
falls within the sediment characteristics and age range of 'black mat'
dated sites (~12.9 ka cal BP) in North America.

Site sediment characteristics include:
glassy spherules,
magnetic microspherules,
carbon mat 'welded' onto coarse granular material,
occasional presence of platinum group metals (Rh and Ru),
planar deformation features (pdfs) in fine silt-size fragmental grains
of quartz,
as well as orthoclase,
and monazite (with an abundance of Rare Earth Elements -- REEs).

If the candidate site is 'black mat', correlative with the 'black mat'
sites of North America, such an extensive occurrence may support
the hypothesized airburst/impact over the Laurentide Glacier, which
led to a reversal of Allerød warming and the onset of YD cooling
and readvance of glaciers.

While this finding does not confirm such, it merits further investigation,
which includes the reconnaissance for additional sites in
South America.

Furthermore, if confirmed, such an extensive occurrence may
corroborate an impact origin.

Keywords: Asteroid impact; Black mat; Younger Dryas;

Article Outline

1. Introduction
2. Regional geology
3. Geomorphic background
4. Methods and materials
5. Results
5.1. Stratigraphy
5.2. Color and particle size
5.3. Lithology
5.4. Light microscopy
5.5. Scanning electron microscopy
5.6. Raman analysis
6. Discussion
6.1. Hypothesis 1
6.2. Hypothesis 2
6.3. Hypothesis 3
6.4. Hypothesis 4
7. Conclusions

Purchase PDF (1680 K)


Late Quaternary sedimentology and geochronology of small playas
on the Southern High Plains, Texas and New Mexico, U.S.A.
Vance T. Holliday a, a Departments of Anthropology and
Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA
James H. Mayer b b Department of Geosciences,
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA
and Glen G. Fredlund c c Department of Geography, University of
Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 53201, USA
Received 13 April 2007.  Available online 2 May 2008.
Quaternary Research
Volume 70, Issue 1, July 2008, Pages 11-25

"Playas are small, circular basins forming a ubiquitous component
of the southern High Plains landscape.
They are filled with carbonaceous mud deposited since
the terminal Pleistocene.
The stratigraphy and geochronology of 30 playas was investigated to
better understand the paleoenvironmental record of basin filling.
At the base of the fill in some playas is a well sorted eolian sand
dated between ~ 13,000 and ~ 11,000 14C yr BP...
The SHP [Southern High Plains] is an extensive semi-arid plateau
(~80,000 km2) in northwest Texas and eastern New Mexico (Fig. 2).
There are ~25,000 small playa basins (b5km2) dotting the landscape
(Fig. 1) (Sabin and Holliday, 1995), providing minimal topographic
relief on the plateau
(Reeves, 1972, 1990; Holliday et al., 1996; Holliday, 1997a).
...Several lines of evidence indicate that many if not most basins
resulted from erosive processes, however, including centripetal
fluvial erosion and deflation
(Gustavson et al., 1995; Sabin and Holliday, 1995).
This evidence includes: disconformable contacts between basin fill
and the Blackwater Draw Formation, cross-cutting relationships
between the basins and the Blackwater Draw Formation, and
variation in playa size and shape as a function of variation in
sediment texture of the Blackwater Draw Formation.
None of the study basins were produced by extraterrestrial
processes, except for the Odessa Meteor Crater, despite claims
to the contrary by Firestone et al. (2006, p. 216-217).
Playa basins vary considerably in size.
The smallest are barely perceptible depressions a few meters in
Larger playas are up to 5 km2 (2.5 km diameter), although a
few are much larger (Holliday et al., 1996).
Most are ~1.5 km2, however, and about half are ~0.1 km2 (Fig. 1)
(Sabin and Holliday, 1995).
Present-day depths range from basins that are completely filled
with lacustrine sediment and have no topographic expression to
basins >14 m deep..."

third Meteor Night, 7 pm Tuesday Feb 2, SF Complex -- soon I will
show Tim McElvain 3 sites in La Tierra-Las Dos subdivision,
Santa Fe, NM -- my samples show intense blast effects with surface
melting and mineral coatings: Rich Murray 2010.01.28
Thursday, January 28, 2010

large dense fractal meteor cluster in Alaska?  also 21 pages re
unusual 0.6 m rock in Palmer: Horace Heffner:
Rich Murray 2010.01.24
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Meteor Night 7 pm tonight, Santa Fe Complex, Santa Fe, Jan 19,
Rich Murray with 10x12 screen on two extensive websites by
Dennis Cox and by Tim McElvain: Rich Murray 2010.01.19
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

28 small images
The Tupana (Panela crater) Event Hypothesis [ NE Brazil ]
Pierson Barretto 
[hidden email]

28 small images
The Tupana (Panela crater) Event Hypothesis -- NE Brazil
Imagens relacionadas às crateras meteoríticas, na Lua, na Terra.
Um ensaio sobre o Evento Tupana; a hipótese.
Images related to meteoritic craters, in the Moon, the Earth.
An assay on the Tupana Event; the hypothesis.
Click in the images to read more.

http://www.astrosafor.net/Huygens/2009/77/h-77-tupana.pdf  11p
[ in Spanish, with resume and photo ]
Pierson Barretto, PhD 
[hidden email];

#1/35 CapivaraPalaeoLagoons 4 craters
9 km SE of Sao Raimundo Nonato on BR 324,
858 km W of Recife on coast
Date: 12/03/2009 Owner: Pierson Barretto
Size:  Full Size 1004x923
#1 -9.0805 -42.6270 .396  km .394 low .2x.15 km ~2 m resolution
#2  -9.0764 -42.6592 .401 .397 .6x.3
#3  -9.0743 -42.6378 .406 .400 .4x.2
#4  -9.0626 -42.6435 .399 .396 .2x.2

Date: 12/01/2009 Owner: Pierson Barretto
Size:  Full size: 1004x923
-14.7400 23.9712 1.129 km al  eye al 53.74 km 2005.05.16

Dennis Cox,  Fresno, California

Thornton H. "Tim" McElvain, Santa Fe, New Mexico

[ Argentina slideshow: Google Earth images with coordinates ]
[ We presented a poster presentation the December 2009 AGU
meeting in San Francisco of some of the Perigee: Zero concepts
as they pertain to the Carolina bays and their role in identifying
a possible YDB impact crater.
A comprehensive review of the conjecture and our
Heuristic Argument is discussed in this section.
A PDF file of the submission in slide presentation form is available for
download HERE.
Please note that since the meeting, we have demoted Lake Michigan
in favor of an impact at the Saginaw Bay and Michigan proper,
although neither hypothesis has proven an adequate solution
at the present time. ]
http://cintos.org/cintosOrg/agu2009/PP31D-1387_Poster.pdf 18p
[ in Vista, use Control + to enlarge image ]
Michael E Davias
[hidden email]; [hidden email];
Jeannette L Gilbride

awesome evidence (Google Earth images, stereo pairs, some videos)
from Mexico to Canada for 500 km comet rubble pile air impacts
12950 BP -- Dennis Cox: Rich Murray 2010.01.13
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

exact Carolina Bay crater locations, RB Firestone, A West, et al,
two YD reviews, 2008 June, 2009 Nov,
also 3 upcoming abstracts: Rich Murray 2009.11.14
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Rich Murray, MA
Boston University Graduate School 1967 psychology,
BS MIT 1964, history and physics,
1943 Otowi Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
[hidden email]


http://RMForAll.blogspot.com new primary archive

group with 142 members, 1,588 posts in a public archive


participant, Santa Fe Complex www.sfcomplex.org

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org

FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org