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Will Culture Clash Splinter the European Union? - Room for Debate - NYTimes.com

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Will Culture Clash Splinter the European Union? - Room for Debate - NYTimes.com

Owen Densmore
2679 posts
The NYTimes has a Discussion area called Room For Debate.  They currently have one on the EU from multiple viewpoints:

I'm surprised at just how many facits of the discussion I was not aware of.  One comment, for example, points out that the euro banks are still highly leveraged (as high as 30 fold for German banks while US banking system only has 13 fold)

Another (read elsewhere) is that de-Euro-ization is possible if the Eurozone guarantees the cost of breakup.  That would refocus the financial aid from "propping up" the failing countries (mainly Greece but possibly others) to "insuring success" of the divorce.

        -- Owen

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