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WiFi Mesh Networking Project

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WiFi Mesh Networking Project

Joshua Thorp
110 posts

Those interested in wireless mesh networking,  a friend of mine from
college, Dave Young, has been doing some work in this space for a
couple of years now and is finally making some head way.  He is in
Champaign-Urbana IL and has started a community wireless project that
should, hopefully, be a model for other community wireless projects
here and over seas.  They recently recieved a grant from George Soros'
Open Society Institute to work on "the first open-source implementation
of Hazy Sighted Link State (HSLS) routing. HSLS enables exceptional
scalability in the wireless environment, and yet it has an
uncomplicated implementation. We are going to couple HSLS with a proven
wireless routing metric, called ETX. ETX helps HSLS choose the
high-performance paths in the network by assigning them costs based on
the rate they drop packets."

Basically they are working on creating a mesh network that can scale,  
have multiple paths to the internet with adaptive routing as conditions
change.  They are using small computers in army surplus amo-cans and
sticking them on house tops.  The environment in leafy green Illinois
is more challenging for WiFi than NM as the trees really absorb a lot
of the energy at the 80211b frequency.

The computer they are using:
        ? Soekris 4521 or 4511 boards: these cards are available from Soekris
and host a CPU similar to a 486, 64MB of RAM, one (or two) PCMCIA
slots, a CompactFlash slot (used for storing the operating system on a
64MB CF card), and a mini-PCI slot; they also provide two Fast-Ethernet
ports and a console port.
  We have developed housing and water-proofing solutions that allow for
the node to be mast-mounted outdoors, and using Power-over-Ethernet, a
single Category-5 cable is all what is required to connect the outside
node to the inside of the building.

with home rolled software based on net-bsd.

their web page:

Thought people might be interested,
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