Why I don't live in the UK anymore

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Why I don't live in the UK anymore

Christopher Kueny
>My thought is that we are taking the fight to the Terrorists, and are
>thus less concerned about them attacking at home.  If we were just
>waiting, waiting, powerless to do anything, I think we would totally
>freak ourselves out.  But I could be wrong.
>-Mike Oliker

Actually we didn't really take the fight to the terrorists, we took it to Iraq (which was someone's home, if not yours or mine), largely ignoring our own shores.

I was aghast when George gave his first big post-9/11 speech and said the answer to why most of the world hates the US was the absurd "they hate our freedoms." But now I think he may have been sincere--his approach, and that of Britain in tracking all movements, is apparently to keep us safe from terrorism by removing the offending freedoms. Stupid, but sincere.