Thanks to friend Mike Gizzi for this reference, which some on the list may find of interest.
-tom johnson
Edited by Jean McGloin, Christopher Sullivan, Leslie Kennedy
Series: Criminology and Justice Studies
In recent years, the idea of emergence, which suggests that observed patterns in behavior and events are not fully reductive and stem from complex lower-level interactions, has begun to take hold in the social sciences. Criminologists have started to use this framework to improve our general understanding of the etiology of crime and criminal behavior. When Crime Appears: The Role of Emergence is concerned with our ability to make sense of the complex underpinnings of the end-stage patterns and events that we see in studying crime and offers an early narrative on the concept of emergence as it pertains to criminological research. Collectively, the chapters in this volume provide a sense of why the emergence framework could be useful, outlines its core conceptual properties, provides some examples of its potential application, and presents some discussion of methodological and analytic issues related to its adoption.
Table of ContentsI. Introduction. Chapter 1: Moving Past the Person or the Context: Thinking About Crime as an Emergent Phenomenon. Authors: Christopher Sullivan, University of Cincinnati, Jean Marie McGloin, University of Maryland and Leslie Kennedy, Rutgers University. II. Explaining Crime. Chapter 2: What is Emergence? Author: R. Keith Sawyer; Washington University-St Louis. Chapter 3: Going Back to the Beginning: Crime as a Process. Author: Travis Pratt and Jillian Turanovic; Arizona State University. Chapter 4: Does Everything Matter? Addressing the Problem of Causation and Explanation in the Study of Crime. Author: P.O. Wikstrom; University of Cambridge. Chapter 5: Crime Emergence. Author: P. Jeffrey Brantingham and Martin B. Short; UCLA. III. Crime Emergence in Action. Chapter 6: Individual and Situational Risk in the Emergence of Violent Events Among Youths on the Street. Author: Stephen Baron; Queens University. Chapter 7: Predatory Routines and Games. Authors: Elizabeth Griffiths, Jessica M. Grosholz, and Lesley Watson; Emory University. Chapter 8: The Emergence of Violence in Drug Market Settings. Authors: Angela Taylor, Fayetteville State University and Deanna Wilkinson, Ohio State University. Chapter 9: Risk Terrains and Crime Emergence. Authors: Leslie W. Kennedy and Joel Caplan; Rutgers University. Chapter 10: Crime Emergence and Criminal Careers. Authors: Tara Renae McGee; Griffith University, Alexis R. Piquero, Florida State University. IV. Studying Crime Emergence. Chapter 11: Crime Emergence and Simulation Modeling: Modeling crime space. Authors: Patricia Brantingham, Kathryn Wuschke, Richard Frank, Paul Brantingham; Institute for Canadian Urban Research Studies (ICURS), School of Criminology, Simon Fraser University. Chapter 12: Measuring and Analyzing the Emergence of Crime. Author: Christopher Sullivan, University of Cincinnati.
Author BiographyJean Marie McGloin is an Associate Professor in the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Maryland.
Christopher J. Sullivan is an Assistant Professor in the School of Criminal Justice at the University of Cincinnati.
Leslie W. Kennedy is University Professor of Criminal Justice at Rutgers University, Newark.
Published October 2011 by Routledge
Paperback: 978-0-415-88305-4: $39.95
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J. T. Johnson
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