What is Data Ethics - Academia.edu

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What is Data Ethics - Academia.edu

Tom Johnson
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From: "Academia.edu Weekly Digest" <[hidden email]>
Date: Jan 16, 2017 6:25 AM
Subject: What is Data Ethics - Academia.edu
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Mariarosaria  Taddeo Mariarosaria Taddeo
University of OxfordOxford Internet Institute, Department Member

What is Data Ethics

This theme issue has the founding ambition of landscaping Data Ethics as a new branch of ethics that studies and evaluates moral problems related to data (including generation, recording, curation, processing, dissemination, sharing, and use), algorithms (including AI, artificial agents, machine learning, and robots), and corresponding practices (including responsible innovation, programming, hacking, and professional codes), in order to formulate and support morally good solutions (e.g. right conducts or right values). Data Ethics builds on the foundation provided by Computer and...

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Alex Luscombe Alex Luscombe
University of WinnipegCriminal Justice, Department Member

Criteria for Quality in Qualitative Research and Use of Freedom of Information Requests in the Social Sciences

Access to information (ATI) and freedom of information (FOI) requests are largely under-used as a means of producing data in the social sciences, especially across Canada and the United States. We use literature on criteria for quality in qualitative inquiry to enhance ongoing debates and developments in ATI/FOI research, and to extend literature on quality in qualitative inquiry. We do this by: building on Tracy's (2010) article on criteria for quality in qualitative inquiry, which advances meaningful terms of reference for qualitative researchers to use in improving the quality of their...

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Taewoo Nam Taewoo Nam
Sungkyunkwan UniversityPublic Administration, Faculty Member

Challenges and Concerns of Open Government: A Case of Government 3.0 in Korea

This study, focusing on the case of the Government 3.0 Drive in Korea, analyzes the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) of open government efforts for open data, freedom of information, enhanced governance with citizens, and interorganizational collaboration. Using the qualitative data from unstructured interviews with public managers and open government experts, the SWOT analysis found serious challenges around ongoing open government efforts. Open government does not come easy and cheap, but it is rather resourceful innovation that requires substantial investments in...

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Plataforma Latina Revistas Comunicación Plataforma Latina Revistas Comunicación

[Artículo] Open Data en aplicaciones móviles: nuevos modelos para la información de servicio

La conjunción de la apertura de datos por parte de las administraciones públicas y la proliferación de los dispositivos de movilidad favorece la creación de nuevos servicios, la mejora en la prestación de los existentes y la configuración de nuevos usos comunicativos por parte de los ciudadanos. El desarrollo y puesta a disposición de aplicaciones gratuitas que utilizan los datos abiertos, ofreciendo información de utilidad, en tiempo real, adaptada a la experiencia del usuario y/o geolocalizada, plantea una reformulación del concepto de “información de servicio”, ya que ofrece tanto a los...

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Lars Spuybroek Lars Spuybroek
Georgia Institute of TechnologyArchitectureFaculty Member

In the Thick of Things

Short introduction to the V2 publication of "The War of Appearances: Transparency, Opacity, Radiance" (2016). An anthology with Matteo Pasquinelli, Luciana Parisi, Graham Harman, Tomas Saraceno, René ten Bos, Tim Morton, and many others.

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Chris Aulich

From Public to Private: The Australian Experience of Privatisation

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Irina Radchenko Irina Radchenko
Saint-Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and OpticsInformation Science and Semantic Technologies, Faculty Member

A Survey of Open Government Data in Russian Federation

Open data can increase transparency and accountability of a country government, leading to free information sharing and stimulation of new innovations. This paper analyses government open data policy as well as open data initiatives and trends in Russian Federation. The OECD analytical framework for national open government data portals and supporting initiatives is used as the bases for the study. The key issues of Russian open government data movement are summarized and aggregated. The paper argues the necessity of systematic development of the open data ecosystem, the leading role of the...

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Tapan Kumar Nath
The University of Nottingham Malaysia CampusSchool of Biosciences, Faculty Member

How does local governance affect project outcomes? Experience from a Participatory Forestry (PF) project in Bangladesh

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Marta Redondo García Marta Redondo García
Universidad de ValladolidHistoria Moderna, Contemporánea, de América, de Periodismo, Publicidad y RR.PP., Post-Doc

La transparencia mediática como mecanismo de autorregulación: análisis de su presencia en las webs de los principales medios españoles

English Version: Media transparency as a self-regulation mechanism: the analysis of its presence in websites in Spanish media. Resumen El artículo aborda la transparencia mediática como sistema de autorregulación periodística y desarrolla una metodología para medir su presencia en las webs de los medios de comunicación atendiendo a las siguientes cinco categorías: transparencia económica, editorial, en la producción, en la interactividad y en el uso de la página. La aplicación de dicho método a las webs de cinco de los principales medios españoles indica un desarrollo todavía insuficiente...

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Julie Wartell
University of California, San DiegoUrban Studies and Planning, Faculty Member

A randomized experimental study of sharing crime data with citizens: Do maps produce more fear?

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