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Welcome to the GIS Files

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Welcome to the GIS Files

Owen Densmore
2679 posts
Robert and Rich's postings reminded me.  A while back Robert presented
to the Wed Tech group on the open source GIS system GRASS
.. and mentioned that a really good overview/tutorial of GIS was
available here:

Well, yesterday after billions of frustrations trying to get some Java
gis systems to work, I decided to read the tutorial.  Its great!  I
suggest downloading the .pdf file, and using both the web version for
its movies etc and the pdf for greater readability.

Frank: I finally got ArcExplorer to sorta work, at least for shape
files .. not DEMs yet; hopefully today.  Not a bad viewer.

        -- Owen

Owen Densmore         908 Camino Santander   Santa Fe, NM 87505
Cell: 505-570-0168    Home: 505-988-3787     http://backspaces.net