WedTech Nov 16 Jim Girard / High Fidelity Crowd Simulation

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WedTech Nov 16 Jim Girard / High Fidelity Crowd Simulation

Stephen Guerin
SPEAKER: Jim Girard
TITLE: High Fidelity Crowd Simulation

LOCATION: 624 Agua Fria Conference Room
TIME: Wed Nov 16, 12:30p

Lunch will be available for purchase

I've recently finished a small contract to expand on some previous agent based
models of physical crowds and non-lethal weapons.  The goal was to build a model
with a higher degree of physical realism (ie: high fidelity) that would
(hopefully) be more accessible to decision makers.

>From an ABM perspective, some of the issues that needed to be addressed were:
        - merging off-the-shelf simulation software into an ABM
        - moving to continuous time and space concepts
        - "embodiment" of the agents

I'll present demos and results and hope to get feedback on some of the problems
which cropped up (and remain unsolved). I'll also discuss some of the future
opportunities for this simulation