WedTech Lecture Sep 28 - Frank Wimberly / Causal Reasoning and Agent Based Models

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WedTech Lecture Sep 28 - Frank Wimberly / Causal Reasoning and Agent Based Models

Stephen Guerin
TITLE: Causal Reasoning and Agent Based Models

SPEAKER: Frank Wimberly

TIME: Wed Sep 28, 12:30p
LOCATION: 624 Agua Fria Conference Room

Lunch will be available for purchase


A general review of statistical causal reasoning will be presented including the
use of Bayesian Networks for results of searches using discrete data and
Structural Equation Models for those using continuous data. The possibility of
applying these methods to data produced by agent-based models will be discussed
and data from a drug market model by Agar, Densmore and Guerin will be used as
an example.