WedTech Dec 14 Roger Critchlow: The Complexity of Watching Paint Dry

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WedTech Dec 14 Roger Critchlow: The Complexity of Watching Paint Dry

Stephen Guerin
SPEAKER: Roger Critchlow
TITLE: The Complexity of Watching Paint Dry

LOCATION: 624 Agua Fria Conference Room
TIME: Wed Dec 14, 12:30p

Lunch will be available for purchase

I'll discuss how nanoparticles suspended in a thin layer of liquid form
self-organized patterns and present several simulations of the system produced
with different tools.  The system itself is interesting as an extremely simple
physical process which produces a variety of complex morphologies.  So I like it
as model of how simple complexity can be.  The implementations of the simulation
are interesting because they vary roughly a thousandfold in their efficiency.
The fastest is the Processing language (, developed for
computer art, visualization, and procedural graphics.