Wed Tech Chat: Kim Sorvig, Applied Complexity for Sustainable Landscape Planning

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Wed Tech Chat: Kim Sorvig, Applied Complexity for Sustainable Landscape Planning

Stephen Guerin
*** FriamGroup Wednesday Tech Chat ***
    624 Agua Fria Conference Room

Please RSVP, as we'll be ordering pizzas...

Date and Time:  Wednesday, March 17, 2004  12:15 - 1:30p

Location: 624 Agua Fria Conference Room

Speaker: Kim Sorvig

Affiliation: Research Assoc. Professor, UNM School of Architecture &

Title: Applied Complexity for Sustainable Landscape Planning

Abstract: Conventional land-use policies tend to address a single issue,
problem, or goal, and do so in a linear fashion. The physical design of
places, landscapes, and structures also tends toward geometric, functional,
and ecological simplification. The results are increasingly untenable.
Planners, designers, and policy-makers are seeking new concepts and tools,
looking for ways to deal with existing places as complex systems, and to
create richer, more sustainably complex new places.

Using topics from his own research and writing, Sorvig will discuss how
linear simplification through policy causes problems, and what applied
complexity ? particularly agent-based software ? might offer as tools for
creating a sustainable future.