WEAM: Wed Chat with Desmond Saunders-Newton

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WEAM: Wed Chat with Desmond Saunders-Newton

Friam mailing list
Merle Lefkoff is hosting Desmond Saunders-Newton in Santa Fe next
week, and would love to have him meet the FRIAM group for a
chat.  Dez spoke at Lake Arrowhead and is an amazingly well
connected beltway technologist:
Other web locations are:

Dez will be available Wed morning next week, 5/14. Merle and I are
having a Wed 9AM meeting like our Friday ones (hence WEAM!).  I'll
talk to the Museum Cafe gang tomorrow to make sure it's OK.

Dez is taking on a project for DARPA's Information Awareness Office, as
Sr Science Advisor, looking into modern computer technology that can
help prevent conflicts escalating into war. This links into Merle's work
with modeling, and thus Dez's visit.  There are grants available in this
area, and naturally considerable government interest.  (Imagine that:
waging peace!) Some of our work in modeling, data mining and time
series analysis could nicely fit into this area.

If you have not yet met Dez, I really recommend it.  He's quite an
interesting and capable person, and surprisingly well connected into
the policy and technology community.

Merle: chime in if I left anything of interest out.


Owen Densmore            451 Camino Don Miguel      Santa Fe, NM 87505
Work: 505-983-6305       Cell: 505-570-0168         Home: 505-988-3787
[hidden email]  http://complexityworkshop.com 

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WEAM: Wed Chat with Desmond Saunders-Newton

Friam mailing list
Cool. I really enjoyed listening to what Dez had to say at Arrowhead. I'll
be there.

http://www.redfish.com    [hidden email]
624 Agua Fria Street      office: (505)995-0206
Santa Fe, NM 87501        mobile: (505)577-5828

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]]On Behalf
> Of Owen Densmore
> Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2003 9:51 AM
> To: [hidden email]
> Cc: 'Merle Lefkoff'
> Subject: [FRIAM] WEAM: Wed Chat with Desmond Saunders-Newton
> Merle Lefkoff is hosting Desmond Saunders-Newton in Santa Fe next
> week, and would love to have him meet the FRIAM group for a
> chat.  Dez spoke at Lake Arrowhead and is an amazingly well
> connected beltway technologist:
> http://hcs.ucla.edu/lake-arrowhead-2003/Saunders-Newton.html
> Other web locations are:
> http://www.usc.edu/schools/sppd/faculty/saunders.html
> http://www.ndu.edu/ctnsp/saundersnewton_bio.htm
> Dez will be available Wed morning next week, 5/14. Merle and I are
> proposing
> having a Wed 9AM meeting like our Friday ones (hence WEAM!).  I'll
> talk to the Museum Cafe gang tomorrow to make sure it's OK.
> Dez is taking on a project for DARPA's Information Awareness Office, as
> a
> Sr Science Advisor, looking into modern computer technology that can
> help prevent conflicts escalating into war. This links into Merle's work
> with modeling, and thus Dez's visit.  There are grants available in this
> area, and naturally considerable government interest.  (Imagine that:
> waging peace!) Some of our work in modeling, data mining and time
> series analysis could nicely fit into this area.
> If you have not yet met Dez, I really recommend it.  He's quite an
> interesting and capable person, and surprisingly well connected into
> the policy and technology community.
> Merle: chime in if I left anything of interest out.
> Owen
> Owen Densmore            451 Camino Don Miguel      Santa Fe, NM 87505
> Work: 505-983-6305       Cell: 505-570-0168         Home: 505-988-3787
> [hidden email]  http://complexityworkshop.com
> http://backspaces.net
> =========================================================
> FRIAM Complexity Coffee listserv
> Meets Fridays 9AM @ Museum Hill Cafe
> Archives, unsubscribe, etc.:
> http://www.redfish.com/mailman/listinfo/friam_redfish.com