“Visualizing Network Dynamics” Competition

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“Visualizing Network Dynamics” Competition

Tom Johnson


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Elisha Hardy <[hidden email]>
Date: Feb 9, 2007 3:06 PM
Subject: "Visualizing Network Dynamics" Competition
To: tom at jtjohnson.com

I was hoping you could forward this competition invite
to the mapping cyberspace email list. Thanks.

The "Visualizing Network Dynamics" competition will be
held as an integral part of NetSci07.  The competition
will invite researchers, practitioners, and educators
from such diverse disciplines as anthropology,
sociology, history, social psychology, political
science, human geography, biology, economics,
communications science but also art and design to
submit the best-of visualizations of evolving
networks, activity patterns over networks or
combinations of the two. Competition applications will
comprise large resolution static images or video
footage together with a detailed explanation of
datasets used, analysis or modeling techniques
applied, and visualization design. Applicants will
also be asked to list and explain major insights
gained and to discuss the value the visualization
might have for educational purposes.

Please consider submitting your best work between
March 10th - April 10th, 2007. Also, please feel free
to forward this to colleagues and other people who
might want to submit. Note that you do not need to
attend the NetSci Workshop and Conference to
participate in the competition.

For more information, see the NetSci O7 competition

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Best regards,
Katy B?rner, Associate Professor of Information
Science, SLIS, Indiana University, katy at indiana.edu
Stephen Uzzo, Director of Technology, New York Hall of
Science, suzzo at nyscience.org
Marcia Rudy, Consultant for Special Programs and
Exhibitions, New York Hall of Science,
mrudy at nyscience.org
Elisha Hardy, Designer, Cyberinfrastructure for
Network Science Center , Indiana University,
efhardy at indiana.edu


"Visualizing Network Dynamics" Competition

at the International Conference on Network Science,
New York Hall of Science, May 20-25, 2007, see
http://vw.indiana.edu/07netsci and information  below.


The "Visualizing Network Dynamics" competition will be
held as an integral part of NetSci07.  The competition
will invite researchers, practitioners, and educators
from such diverse disciplines as anthropology,
sociology, history, social psychology, political
science, human geography, biology, economics,
communications science but also art and design to
submit the best-of visualizations of evolving
networks, activity patterns over networks or
combinations of the two. Competition applications will
comprise large resolution static images or video
footage together with a detailed explanation of
datasets used, analysis or modeling techniques
applied, and visualization design. Applicants will
also be asked to list and explain major insights
gained and to discuss the value the visualization
might have for educational purposes.

The competition aims to harvest the best examples of
meaningful (as opposed to purely artistic) network
dynamics visualizations, to raise the bar for the
documentation and communication of the process applied
to generate those visualizations, and to sensitize
people to the importance of visualization for formal
and informal education and the communication of
science in general.

Correspondingly, visualizations will be judged based

Truthfulness of the data representation
How well the visualization serves the needs of its
Quality of data preparation and analysis
Layout and design of the visualization
The significance of insights gained
Educational value
Visual appeal
Description of work

The Top-3 winning entries will get free registration
to the NetSci Conference 2007 and cash prices in
amounts of $100, $200, and $300 that are sponsored by
the Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science Center at
Indiana University.

The Top-25 winning competition entries will be printed
in large format and displayed at the Network Science
Workshop and Conference. Winning animations will be
projected in large format.

A DVD with all valid entries and their accompanying
information will be shared with all Conference
attendees. All valuable entries will also be made
available online as a general, free resource for
anybody interested in the study or communication of
dynamic networks.

Submission Details

Each entry needs to include:

Title of Work
Author(s) name, email address, affiliation, mailing
Copyright holder (if different from authors)
Area(s) of expertise
Description of work: Client needs addressed, data
used, data analysis, visualization techniques applied,
and main insights gained (50-300 words)
Scientific and/or commercial value (50-200 words)
Educational value (50-200 words)
References to publications in which the work appeared
Links to related projects/works
Permission to display the work at the NetSci 07
Conference and to distribute online and via DVD
Link to file according to the following

March 10th - April 10th, 2007, submit your
visualization here.
International & Interdisciplinary Panel of Judges

Lada Adamic,University of Michigan (Information
Vladimir Batagelj, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
(Computer Science)
Ulrik Brandes, University of Konstanz, Germany (Graph
Laszlo Barabasi, University of Notre Dame (Physics)
Peter Christensen,  Museum of Modern Art, New York
(Art Curator)
Martin Dodge, University of Manchester, UK (Geography)
Ingo Gunther, Tokyo National University for Fine Arts
& Music, Japan (Journalism & Art)
David M. J. Laser, Harvard University (Social Science)
W. Bradford Paley, Digital Image Design Inc (Designer)
Annamaria Talas, Avalon, Australia (Science Producer)
Alessandro Vespignani, School of Informatics, Indiana
University (Internet Research & Epidemics)
Daniel Zeller, New York (Visual Artist)

For more information please see

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J. T. Johnson
Institute for Analytic Journalism -- Santa Fe, NM USA
505.577.6482(c)                                 505.473.9646(h)
http://www.jtjohnson.com                 tom at jtjohnson.us

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the
existing model obsolete."
                                                   -- Buckminster Fuller
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