Dear Colleagues,
Abstract submission deadline has just been extended (now due by May 5).
VaIL 2008 is a two day conference on the theory, use, misuse, history,
and emergence of visual language being held on July 21st & 22nd in San
Diego, California at the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center.
The conference invites the submission of papers on substantial,
original, and unpublished research in disciplines which are relevant
to the study and design of visual language. Topics of interest include
but are not limited to:
* Research areas and oustanding problems and theory
* Applications of Visual Language:
o Computer Icons, Road Signs, Military Common Operational
Picture, Warnings & Hazards, Button and Device icons, Origami
instructions, communication of quantitative information, computer-
based communication/chat
o Use of visual language in computing and virtual
* Visual Language Specifications and Standards: ISO, ANSI, IEEE,
military standards
* Visual Language Linguistics: grammar, phonology, morphology,
syntax, and semantics
* Signed, manual, and gestural Languages
* Historical development and evolution of visual language
* Visual metaphor, iconicity, representation, and structure
* Designing iconography and representational language
* Human and automated production, perception, and recognition of
visual and gestural language
* Representation, metaphor, and iconicity
* Future visions of visual language
Conference Panel Topics
* Visual language grammars, navigation, and comprehension
* Gesture writing systems
* Cross-cultural and cross-domain visual communication
* other topics by submission
Abstract submission Instructions:
Send an email with the following information to vail at
* Abstract in plain-text or PDF
* Contact Info: The name, primary phone, and email address of
each author
* Presenter Info: Names of presenting authors
* Suggestions, questions, or comments
For more information visit the conference website at:
http://visualanguage.orgPlease forward this invitation to interested colleagues.
Sunny Fugate
VaIL 2008 General Chair
Marion Ceruti, Ph.D.
Program Chair