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UNM Seminar on Cog Sci and learning

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UNM Seminar on Cog Sci and learning

Charles Gieseler
8 posts
Sorry I didn't get this out earlier. I had some trouble sending it.
Following up on interest from last Friday's meeting (01/06/06), I am sending  information regarding a new seminar being offered through the UNM  Computer Science department this Spring. It is called "Learning from the  Cognitive, Computational, and Neuroscience Perspectives." Lead by four  professors from Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering,  Psychology, and Neuroscience, this seminar looks to be a very  interesting, multi-disciplinary approach to examining what learning is.
More relevant to the interests of this list, there seems to be a good  emphasis on different methods of computational implementation of  learning, from traditional machine learning to computational cognitive  models.
Attached is the tentative syllabus for the seminar. I believe the main  point of contact is George Luger (luger at cs.unm.edu). He answered my  email very quickly when I wrote him, but he is traveling through South  America right now, so may be hard to get ahold of. I was told Tom  Caudell (tpc at eece.unm.edu) is another point of contact for information.

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UNM Seminar on Cog Sci and learning

29 posts

Do you happen to have a schedule which shows the dates for the different

I believe you said the professor had no problem with outsiders auditing the


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Friam-bounces at redfish.com [mailto:Friam-bounces at redfish.com]On
> Behalf Of Charles Gieseler
> Sent: Friday, January 13, 2006 11:22 PM
> To: Friam at redfish.com
> Subject: [FRIAM] UNM Seminar on Cog Sci and learning
> Sorry I didn't get this out earlier. I had some trouble sending it.
> Following up on interest from last Friday's meeting (01/06/06), I
> am sending  information regarding a new seminar being offered
> through the UNM  Computer Science department this Spring. It is
> called "Learning from the  Cognitive, Computational, and
> Neuroscience Perspectives." Lead by four  professors from
> Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering,
> Psychology, and Neuroscience, this seminar looks to be a very
> interesting, multi-disciplinary approach to examining what learning is.
> More relevant to the interests of this list, there seems to be a
> good  emphasis on different methods of computational
> implementation of  learning, from traditional machine learning to
> computational cognitive  models.
> Attached is the tentative syllabus for the seminar. I believe the
> main  point of contact is George Luger (luger at cs.unm.edu). He
> answered my  email very quickly when I wrote him, but he is
> traveling through South  America right now, so may be hard to get
> ahold of. I was told Tom  Caudell (tpc at eece.unm.edu) is another
> point of contact for information.
> Cheers,
> Charlie