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UNM Complex Systems Group event on Friday]

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UNM Complex Systems Group event on Friday]

Stephen Guerin
791 posts
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eric Whitmore [mailto:whitmore at unm.edu]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 6:05 PM
> To: ARTS Lab Listserv; Stephen Guerin
> Subject: [Fwd: Fwd: UNM Complex Systems Group event on Friday]
> Hi all...
> Complexity studies will be, I think, key to achieving an
> understanding (or much of an inkling) of the world we live in
> and how it continues to change.  If you know of students,
> staffers, faculty or others in the UNM area that have an
> interest in this field, please forward this on to them.
> Best wishes,
> Eric
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Fwd: UNM Complex Systems Group event on Friday
> Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2006 16:18:05 -0700
> From: Cody Wiley <horde.of.one at gmail.com>
> <mailto:horde.of.one at gmail.com>
> To: iomedia at unm.edu <iomedia at unm.edu>
> <mailto:iomedia at unm.edu> , Eric Whitmore <whitmore at unm.edu>
> <mailto:whitmore at unm.edu>
> References: <web-10895143 at theta.unm.edu>
> <mailto:web-10895143 at theta.unm.edu>
> Hi Una, Eric,
> getting going with the CX group again!  Please send this on
> to anyone you think is interested!
> Cody
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Jordan Okie" < jordanokie at gmail.com
> <mailto:jordanokie at gmail.com> >
> To: BGSA-L at list.unm.edu
> Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2006 16:51:41 -0700
> Subject: UNM Complex Systems Group event on Friday Apologies
> to those people who already got this email.
> The UNM Complex Systems Group will be having an informal
> gathering on Friday, November 10th from 4 to 7 pm at Jeff
> Nekola's house. Food will be provided, so you need only bring
> yourselves, your brilliant ideas, and any beverages you wish
> to drink. You can leave behind the worries of the week and
> enjoy spirited, cross-disciplinary conversations about the
> applications and theory of complex systems science.
> Here's Jeff Nekola's address and a link to a map:
> 2621 McEarl Ave SE
> His house is 5 blocks south of campus, on the western corner
> of Princeton and McEarl.
> http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?formtype=address&addtohis
> tory=&address=2621%20Mcearl%20Ave%20Se&city=Albuquerque&state=
> NM&zipcode=87106%2d3000&country=US&geodiff=1#south
> <http://http//www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?formtype=address&a
> ddtohistory=&address=2621%2520Mcearl%2520Ave%2520Se&city=Albuq
> uerque&state=NM&zipcode=87106%252d3000&country=US&geodiff=1#south>
> Looking forward to seeing you all there, Jordan
> FYI:
> The UNM Complex Systems Group was chartered and started last
> year, but became inactive in the spring due to conflicting
> schedules and too few members. Cody Wiley, the president of
> the group, and I are reviving it. The formal mission of the
> organization is "to provide a multidisciplinary meeting
> ground and support for students interested in learning about
> or using complex dynamic systems and theory in their studies,
> research, and creative endeavors." Our thought is to begin
> with informal gatherings focused on fun, stimulating
> conversations, in order to foster the sharing of ideas and
> the meeting of like-minded researchers from other
> disciplines. I've listed some examples of potential topics
> that could be discussed at the end of this email, but I would
> emphasize that the nature of these initial discussions will
> be relaxed and free-form. I envision these initial
> discussions to be more centered around promoting
> collaborations and intellectual connections between
> researchers of different disciplines rather than complexity
> science per se.
> Some potential topics for discussion
> properties of complex systems
> -self-organization, adaptation, non-linearities, feedback
> loops, emergent properties, etc.
> theoretical approaches for examining complex systems
> -reductionist versus holistic strategies -differences and
> commonalities between cybernetics, systems theory, hierarchy
> theory, complexity theory, organizational theory, chaos
> theory, network theory, etc.
> tools for study
> -mathematics, individual-based models, simulation models,
> experiments, remote-sensing, data mining, etc.
> history and future of the study of complex systems
> -origination in disparate fields, including physics,
> economics, biology, and computer science -current state of
> understanding and how to incorporate this understanding into
> traditional disciplines and curricula applications of
> complexity science -sustainability, resource management,
> technological innovation -research in social, biological, and
> physical systems
> --
> Jordan Okie
> Program for Interdisciplinary Biological and Biomedical
> Sciences UNM Biology Department MSC03-2020
> 1 University of New Mexico
> Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
> University of New Mexico
> Office phone: 505-277-1297
> Cell phone: 505-366-1218
> --
> Next up at ARTS Lab:
> ON SCREEN: UNM Writers in Film & TV, a special reading event
> at the Garage on November 15th as part of Words Afire.
> The Garage is located at 131 Pine St., NE, one block west of
> University and steps north of Central.
> For more info visit http://artslab.unm.edu/newsevents/
> --
> Eric Whitmore, Program Coordinator
> ARTS Lab & Arts Technology Center
> 505-277-2253
> http://artslab.unm.edu 

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UNM Complex Systems Group event on Friday]

Randy Burge
58 posts
Great to hear of this renewed conversation for the ABQ-base!

>> The UNM Complex Systems Group will be having an informal
>> gathering on Friday, November 10th from 4 to 7 pm at Jeff
>> Nekola's house.
>> FYI:
>> The UNM Complex Systems Group was chartered and started last
>> year, but became inactive in the spring due to conflicting
>> schedules and too few members. Cody Wiley, the president of
>> the group, and I are reviving it. The formal mission of the
>> organization is "to provide a multidisciplinary meeting
>> ground and support for students interested in learning about
>> or using complex dynamic systems and theory in their studies,
>> research, and creative endeavors." Our thought is to begin
>> with informal gatherings focused on fun, stimulating
>> conversations, in order to foster the sharing of ideas and
>> the meeting of like-minded researchers from other
>> disciplines. I've listed some examples of potential topics
>> that could be discussed at the end of this email, but I would
>> emphasize that the nature of these initial discussions will
>> be relaxed and free-form. I envision these initial
>> discussions to be more centered around promoting
>> collaborations and intellectual connections between
>> researchers of different disciplines rather than complexity
>> science per se.
>> Some potential topics for discussion
>> properties of complex systems
>> -self-organization, adaptation, non-linearities, feedback
>> loops, emergent properties, etc.
>> theoretical approaches for examining complex systems
>> -reductionist versus holistic strategies -differences and
>> commonalities between cybernetics, systems theory, hierarchy
>> theory, complexity theory, organizational theory, chaos
>> theory, network theory, etc.
>> tools for study
>> -mathematics, individual-based models, simulation models,
>> experiments, remote-sensing, data mining, etc.
>> history and future of the study of complex systems
>> -origination in disparate fields, including physics,
>> economics, biology, and computer science -current state of
>> understanding and how to incorporate this understanding into
>> traditional disciplines and curricula applications of
>> complexity science -sustainability, resource management,
>> technological innovation -research in social, biological, and
>> physical systems
>> --
>> Jordan Okie
>> Program for Interdisciplinary Biological and Biomedical
>> Sciences UNM Biology Department MSC03-2020
>> 1 University of New Mexico
>> Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
>> University of New Mexico
>> Office phone: 505-277-1297
>> Cell phone: 505-366-1218

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UNM Complex Systems Group event on Friday]

Phil Henshaw-2
657 posts
Gee, the UNM group sounds right up my alley.  My core interest is in the
scientific method, particularly identifying and documenting the
developmental processes of emergent systems.  I have a few opinions on
other things too, as some may have noticed, but that's mostly just
spinning wheels while looking for anyplace that sees the subject as the
kind of scientific problem that would be benefited by good observation
technique.   There's great room for the field to grow in that direction!

Phil Henshaw                       ????.?? ? `?.????
680 Ft. Washington Ave
NY NY 10040                      
tel: 212-795-4844                
e-mail: pfh at synapse9.com          
explorations: www.synapse9.com    

> -----Original Message-----
> From: friam-bounces at redfish.com
> [mailto:friam-bounces at redfish.com] On Behalf Of Randy Burge
> Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 4:29 PM
> Subject: Re: [FRIAM] UNM Complex Systems Group event on Friday]
> Great to hear of this renewed conversation for the ABQ-base!
> >> The UNM Complex Systems Group will be having an informal
> gathering on
> >> Friday, November 10th from 4 to 7 pm at Jeff Nekola's house.
> >> FYI:
> >> The UNM Complex Systems Group was chartered and started last
> >> year, but became inactive in the spring due to conflicting
> >> schedules and too few members. Cody Wiley, the president of
> >> the group, and I are reviving it. The formal mission of the
> >> organization is "to provide a multidisciplinary meeting
> >> ground and support for students interested in learning about
> >> or using complex dynamic systems and theory in their studies,
> >> research, and creative endeavors." Our thought is to begin
> >> with informal gatherings focused on fun, stimulating
> >> conversations, in order to foster the sharing of ideas and
> >> the meeting of like-minded researchers from other
> >> disciplines. I've listed some examples of potential topics
> >> that could be discussed at the end of this email, but I would
> >> emphasize that the nature of these initial discussions will
> >> be relaxed and free-form. I envision these initial
> >> discussions to be more centered around promoting
> >> collaborations and intellectual connections between
> >> researchers of different disciplines rather than complexity
> >> science per se.
> >>
> >>
> >> Some potential topics for discussion
> >> properties of complex systems
> >> -self-organization, adaptation, non-linearities, feedback loops,
> >> emergent properties, etc. theoretical approaches for examining
> >> complex systems -reductionist versus holistic strategies
> -differences
> >> and commonalities between cybernetics, systems theory, hierarchy
> >> theory, complexity theory, organizational theory, chaos
> >> theory, network theory, etc.
> >> tools for study
> >> -mathematics, individual-based models, simulation models,
> >> experiments, remote-sensing, data mining, etc.
> >> history and future of the study of complex systems
> >> -origination in disparate fields, including physics,
> >> economics, biology, and computer science -current state of
> >> understanding and how to incorporate this understanding into
> >> traditional disciplines and curricula applications of
> >> complexity science -sustainability, resource management,
> >> technological innovation -research in social, biological, and
> >> physical systems
> >>
> >> --
> >> Jordan Okie
> >> Program for Interdisciplinary Biological and Biomedical
> Sciences UNM
> >> Biology Department MSC03-2020 1 University of New Mexico
> >> Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
> >> University of New Mexico
> >> Office phone: 505-277-1297
> >> Cell phone: 505-366-1218
> ============================================================
> FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
> Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
> lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org