Tufte's "presenting data and information" in albuquerque Feb 7

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Tufte's "presenting data and information" in albuquerque Feb 7

$320 (!) for one day (includes books)

unless you can prove you are a full-time unemployed student...



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Tufte's "presenting data and information" in albuquerque Feb 7

George Duncan
Reminds me of when I was a newly-arrived faculty member in Statistics at
Carnegie Mellon. I was put in charge of the seminar series and invited Ed
Tufte to speak. His response was, "You can't afford me."


On 1/20/06, jpgirard <jpgirard at thinkingmetal.com> wrote:

> $320 (!) for one day (includes books)
> unless you can prove you are a full-time unemployed student...
> http://www.edwardtufte.com/tufte/courses
> Jim
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George T. Duncan
Professor of Statistics
Heinz School of Public Policy and Management
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
(412) 268-2172
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