Meteor Night 7 pm tonight, Santa Fe Complex, Santa Fe, Jan 19, Rich Murray
with 10x12 screen on two extensive websites by Dennis Cox and by Tim McElvain: Rich Murray 2010.01.19 Tuesday, January 19, 2010 _____________________________________________________ Our sharing will be easy, informal, allowing ample interaction. Donations will benefit Santa Fe Complex Agua Fria Street by Romero Street, parking lot and entrance 50 feet up Romero on right awesome evidence (Google Earth images, stereo pairs, some videos) from Mexico to Canada for 500 km comet rubble pile air impacts 12950 BP -- Dennis Cox: Rich Murray 2010.01.13 Wednesday, January 13, 2010 exact Carolina Bay crater locations, RB Firestone, A West, et al, two YD reviews, 2008 June, 2009 Nov, also 3 upcoming abstracts: Rich Murray 2009.11.14 Saturday, November 14, 2009 Thornton H. "Tim" McElvain [hidden email] My present working hypothesis is that there was a mid-Tertiary impact of a comet or asteroid that was pulled apart by the earth's gravity and resembled the Shoemaker-Levi comets impact of Jupiter. This enormous impact event materially affected the formation of the Southern Rocky Mountains and Colorado Plateau. This working hypothesis is a very broad brush history and obviously erroneous in the details. Hubble Photograph of the Shoemaker-Levi Comet before it impacted Jupiter The progress of my research and exploration for impact craters and shock metamorphism in the Southern Rocky Mountains, and Colorado Plateau has created a picture of the area that does not fit any of the present interpretations of the geologic history of this province. Over the past ten years as the enormity of the evidence began to accumulate I had to develop a working hypothesis to help me put everything into perspective. This hypothesis assumes a very large comet or asteroid (dirty snowball) impact created an impact crater consisting of millions of impacts by objects varying in size from large bolides to dust, all of which resulted in a giant crater some 1000 kilometers in width, and, depending on how far the earths gravitational field extended, the comet or asteroid the length could vary from 1000 kilometers to a chain impact two or more thousand kilometers in length. The proposed impact virtually blasted away or helped to remove huge volumes of the sediment from Mid-Tertiary down into the Precambrian, followed by isostatic readjustment that activated old faults and zones of weakness resulting in the present topography. Another interesting fact that I believe helps support my theory is that some of the structures on the western edge of the crater over print the Sevier Thrust Fault, which would date them post Laramide Orogeny, and not associated with the thrust faulting. ...On the digital elevation map D. below I have placed yellow circles where I have found evidence of shock metamorphism and other corroborating evidence of extra terrestrial impact. It is difficult to date some of these proposed impact structures, but many of them disturbed Eocene and earlier formations. The Sierra Madera structure has been dated as a Mid-Tertiary structure. There is a major Mid-Tertiary angular unconformity throughout this area. The latest intense mountain building and rifting began about Mid-Tertiary, and a major period of volcanism also started about this time. The orange dots on the map are placed where I have collected samples of aeolian sand containing grains of quartz with possible PDF's at the base of the Ogallala Formation which I believe is distal ejecta and Mid-Tertiary in age.... Impact Structures # Article Title 1 Santa Fe Impact Structure, Santa Fe, New Mexico 2 Iron Axis Structures, St. George, Utah 3 Pecos Structure, Pecos, New Mexico 4 La Sal Mountains Structure, Moab, Utah 5 Abajo Mountain Structure, Blanding, Utah 6 Henry Mountain Structure, Hanksville, Utah 7 Cerro Blanco Structure, Gallina, New Mexico 8 El Capitan Structure, Lincoln, New Mexico 9 Emory Caldera, Mimbres, New Mexico 10 Split Mountain Anticline, Dinosaur National Park, Utah and Colorado 11 Upheaval Dome, Moab, Utah 12 Sierra Madiera Impact Structure, Fort Stocton, Texas Southern Rocky Mountain and Colorado Plateau Impact Event Thornton H. (Tim) McElvain <[hidden email]> Home Proposed Impact Structure Corraborating Evidence Distal Ejecta Working Hypothesis Pecos Structure, Pecos, New Mexico In the early fall of 1998 after studying the Rochouart Impact Structure in France, I suspected that a bolide impact may have caused the complex geology in the vicinity of our home near Pecos New Mexico. I began collecting data on what I now believe is a deeply eroded, complex impact structure, approximately 15 kilometers in diameter, the center of which is located approximately 2.5 miles north of Pecos, NM.... ...The presence of other suspected impact structures probably coeval with the Pecos Structure inspired me to widen my search, which continued to expand into what I believe was a major impact event that in some way participated in the uplift of the Southern Rocky Mountains and Colorado Plateau. This concept is hard to swallow, but this conclusion has been forced upon me by the scope of the evidence I have found.... ...Microscopic Evidence PLANAR MICROSTRUCTURES I have found planar structures in some grains of Pennsylvanian sandstone. Most of the quartz grains have one set of planar structures but I have found up to three sets in some grains. The grains with planar micro-structures are found in porous and permeable Pennsylvanian sandstone beds. Figure 20 - Quartz sand grain with 1 set of PM's, field of view 0.25 mm. Figure 21 - Same grain illustrated in Figure 17 above illuminated with cross polarized light. Figure 22 - Quartz sand grain with 1 primary set of PM's and the hint of another. The following histogram of the frequency of angle of the pole of planar microstructures to the c-axis resembles similar histograms from known impact craters if one accounts for the shift of higher angles probably caused by the concentration of the shock wave in porous sandstone formations. This is my first attempt at measuring and indexing these angles, and I am not completely comfortable with the results. The final verdict on whether the Pecos Structure is an impact structure or not awaits the verification that the planar microstructures (PM's) found in the crater are actually planar deformation features (PDF's).... Copyright © 2010 Thornton H. (Tim) McElvain. All Rights Reserved. Joomla! design and development by Santa Fe Web Design _____________________________________________________ nanodiamond evidence for 12,900 BP Clovis extinction impact, Santa Rosa Island, discussion on Scientific American website, Carolina Bay type craters east of Las Vegas, NM: Rich Murray 2009.09.15 Friday, July 24, 2009 widespread Carolina Bay type craters from Clovis comet 12,900 Ya BP? -- 0.7 M long NS crater with fractured red sandstone on SW rim, CR C 53A, 20 miles E of Las Vegas, NM: Rich Murray 2009.06.08 Monday, June 8, 2009 Rich Murray, MA Boston University Graduate School 1967 psychology, BS MIT 1964, history and physics, 1943 Otowi Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505 505-501-2298 [hidden email] new primary archive group with 142 members, 1,588 posts in a public archive participant, Santa Fe Complex _____________________________________________________ ============================================================ FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at |
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