This should be a good talk and of interest to the SF_X community!
Seminar Title: Wicked Problems, Novel Modes of Behavior, and the
Power of Pedagogical Design
Location: Santa Fe Institute, 12:15p Thur June 23
Elizabeth Ellsworth, Associate Provost for Curriculum and Learning and
Professor of Media Studies. New School, New York.
There is a growing interest in pedagogy as an expanded cultural
practice capable of fostering new ways of thinking and knowing. In
this talk, Elllsworth reframes pedagogy as a question of design. She
considers what we might make of pedagogy (and what it might make of
us) were it approached through concepts such as complexity, vital
materialism, nonhuman actants, assemblage, and emergent causality.
Ellsworth’s research focuses on the design of mediated learning
environments, and the relation between aesthetic experience and
inventivist thinking. Her scholarship addresses how media design
creates possibilities for people to invent, share, and navigate
diverse ways of knowing. She is author of Places of Learning: Media,
Architecture, and Pedagogy.
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