This Friday at CommodiCast

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This Friday at CommodiCast

Stephen Guerin
Thanks Robert and everyone at Commodicast for the short-notice hospitality
this week!

We'll see you tomorrow at 552 Agua Fria. I'll bring some pringles cans for
morning snacks ;-)


>  -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Holmes [mailto:[hidden email]]
> Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2005 11:39 AM
> To: 'The Friday Morning Applied Complexity Coffee Group'
> Subject: [FRIAM] This Friday at CommodiCast
> Just a reminder - FRIAM is cordially invited to convene this Friday, 9:30
at the CommodiCast offices, 552 Agua Fria. Plenty of parking at Borders.
Dougnuts, bagels and filter coffee will be provided; apologies, but I didn't
have time to sort out WiFi (though I'm sure Steve & Owen could set up a
Pringles-can transmitter from the roof of SFEDI this afternoon ;-)

> Robert
> Dr. Robert Holmes
> CommodiCast
> 552 Agua Fria, Santa Fe, NM 87504
> tel: (505) 989-3558
> fax: (505) 986-0337
> mobile: (505) 310-1735
>  << File: ATT00119.txt >>