uh, see A Course in Miracles (Jesus), Time, Space and Knowledge
(Tarthang Tulku, Rinpoche), The Nature of Personal Reality: A Seth Book (Jane Roberts)... http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0094576511003304 Acta Astronautica Volume 78, September -- October 2012, Pages 55-68 Searching for Life Signatures The transcension hypothesis: Sufficiently advanced civilizations invariably leave our universe, and implications for METI and SETI * ** John M. Smart a, b, c, d, , , a Acceleration Studies Foundation, 216 Mountain View Ave, Mountain View, CA 94041, USA b Evo Devo Universe Research Community, USA c Emerging Technologies, University of Advancing Technology, Tempe, AZ, USA d ECCO (Evol, Complexity & Cognition) Group, Center Leo Apostel, Free U. of Brussels, Belgium Received 12 March 2011. Revised 2 November 2011. Accepted 4 November 2011. Available online 16 December 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actaastro.2011.11.006, How to Cite or Link Using DOI Permissions & Reprints View full text Purchase $31.50 Abstract The emerging science of evolutionary developmental (“evo devo”) biology can aid us in thinking about our universe as both an evolutionary system, where most processes are unpredictable and creative, and a developmental system, where a special few processes are predictable and constrained to produce far-future-specific emergent order, just as we see in the common developmental processes in two stars of an identical population type, or in two genetically identical twins in biology. The transcension hypothesis proposes that a universal process of evolutionary development guides all sufficiently advanced civilizations into what may be called "inner space," a computationally optimal domain of increasingly dense, productive, miniaturized, and efficient scales of space, time, energy, and matter, and eventually, to a black-hole-like destination. Transcension as a developmental destiny might also contribute to the solution to the Fermi paradox, the question of why we have not seen evidence of or received beacons from intelligent civilizations. A few potential evolutionary, developmental, and information theoretic reasons, mechanisms, and models for constrained transcension of advanced intelligence are briefly considered. In particular, we introduce arguments that black holes may be a developmental destiny and standard attractor for all higher intelligence, as they appear to some to be ideal computing, learning, forward time travel, energy harvesting, civilization merger, natural selection, and universe replication devices. In the transcension hypothesis, simpler civilizations that succeed in resisting transcension by staying in outer (normal) space would be developmental failures, which are statistically very rare late in the life cycle of any biological developing system. If transcension is a developmental process, we may expect brief broadcasts or subtle forms of galactic engineering to occur in small portions of a few galaxies, the handiwork of young and immature civilizations, but constrained transcension should be by far the norm for all mature civilizations. The transcension hypothesis has significant and testable implications for our current and future METI and SETI agendas. If all universal intelligence eventually transcends to black-hole-like environments, after which some form of merger and selection occurs, and if two-way messaging (a send–receive cycle) is severely limited by the great distances between neighboring and rapidly transcending civilizations, then sending one-way METI or probes prior to transcension becomes the only real communication option. But one-way messaging or probes may provably reduce the evolutionary diversity in all civilizations receiving the message, as they would then arrive at their local transcensions in a much more homogenous fashion. If true, an ethical injunction against one-way messaging or probes might emerge in the morality and sustainability systems of all sufficiently advanced civilizations, an argument known as the Zoo hypothesis in Fermi paradox literature, if all higher intelligences are subject to an evolutionary attractor to maximize their local diversity, and a developmental attractor to merge and advance universal intelligence. In any such environment, the evolutionary value of sending any interstellar message or probe may simply not be worth the cost, if transcension is an inevitable, accelerative, and testable developmental process, one that eventually will be discovered and quantitatively described by future physics. Fortunately, transcension processes may be measurable today even without good physical theory, and radio and optical SETI may each provide empirical tests. If transcension is a universal developmental constraint, then without exception all early and low-power electromagnetic leakage signals (radar, radio, television), and later, optical evidence of the exoplanets and their atmospheres should reliably cease as each civilization enters its own technological singularities (emergence of postbiological intelligence and life forms) and recognizes that they are on an optimal and accelerating path to a black-hole-like environment. Furthermore, optical SETI may soon allow us to map an expanding area of the galactic habitable zone we may call the galactic transcension zone, an inner ring that contains older transcended civilizations, and a missing planets problem as we discover that planets with life signatures occur at a much lower frequencies in this inner ring than in the remainder of the habitable zone. Keywords Acceleration studies; Astrosociology; Barrow scale; Black holes; Black hole accretion; Black hole time dilation; Complexity; Computronium; Cosmological natural selection; Developmental immunity; Doppler spectroscopy; Evolutionary development; Evo devo biology; Evo devo universe; Exoplanets; Fermi paradox; Focal sphere; Fundamental parameters; Performance capability metrics; Galactic habitable zone; Galactic transcension zone; Gravitational lensing; Information theory; Inner space; Intelligence principle; Kardashev scale; METI; Locality; Log normal distribution; Low mass X-ray binary systems; Moore's law limit; Morality; Missing planets problem; Polarimetry; Postbiological life; Optical SETI; Order from noise; Radio SETI; Square kilometer array; Star lifting; STEM compression; STEM density; STEM efficiency; Stochasticity; Superexponential growth; Technological singularity; Teleology; Transcension hypothesis; Two-way messaging limit; Universe development; Universe evolution; Zoo hypothesis *From presentation The Transcension Hypothesis, 2nd IAA Symposium on Searching for Life Signatures, 6-8 Oct 2010, Kavli Royal Soc Internat'l Ctr, Buckinghamshire, UK. **For an earlier article on this topic, see: Smart, John M. 2002. “Answering the Fermi Paradox: Exploring the Mechanisms of Universal Transcension,” John Smart, Journal of Evolution and Technology, June 2002. For a chapter-length treatment of the hypothesis, see: Smart, John M. 2008. Evo Devo Universe? A Framework for Speculations on Cosmic Culture (PDF http://goo.gl/2Se4d ) In: Cosmos & Culture, Steven Dick and Mark Lupisella (Eds.), NASA Press, 2009. Corresponding author at: Acceleration Studies Foundation, 216 Mountain View Ave, Mountain View, CA 94041, USA. Tel.: +1 650 396 8220 . Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. ============================================================ FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College lectures, archives, unsubscribe, maps at http://www.friam.org |
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