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The Usselo Horizon, a Worldwide Charcoal-Rich Layer of Alleröd Age, Johán B. "Han" Kloosterman 1999 June, extensive references: Rich Murray 2011.04.09

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The Usselo Horizon, a Worldwide Charcoal-Rich Layer of Alleröd Age, Johán B. "Han" Kloosterman 1999 June, extensive references: Rich Murray 2011.04.09

Rich Murray-2
248 posts
The Usselo Horizon, a Worldwide Charcoal-Rich Layer of Alleröd Age,
Johán B. "Han" Kloosterman 1999 June, extensive references: Rich
Murray 2011.04.09
Saturday, April 9, 2011
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see also: re photo of Usselo Horizon 2011.04.09



Symposium “New Scenarios of Solar System Evolution”

University of  Bergamo, June 1999

The Usselo Horizon, a Worldwide Charcoal-Rich Layer of Alleröd Age

Johán B. "Han" Kloosterman

In 1980 was published the discovery of an iridium anomaly on the K-T
boundary, and in 1991 the discovery of a huge impact crater of the
same age, at Chicxulub on the tip of the Yucatan peninsula. In between
those two dates, in 1985, it was found that that same iridium-rich
boundary-layer contained an abundance of charcoal and soot, all over
the world: the impact caused a wave of superheated air to roll around
the earth, and the forests were incinerated, worldwide. As a direct
result of the K-T discoveries, the idea of a Universal Conflagration
is no longer taboo in academic circles. The first plants to grow again
were ferns, and it must have been a strange sight indeed, to the few
animals that survived the disaster: an abundance of fern growing on a
black substratum.

A thin layer rich in charcoal also occurs in the Late Pleistocene, the
Alleroed interstadial, with a radiocarbon age of about 11.000 years,
and dendro-dated at about 13.000 years. If the dinosaur extinction has
become symbolic for the K-T massacre, that of the mammoth stands as a
symbol of the end of the Ice Age. The horizon, 5 to 15 cms thick, has
been found in at least ten countries, on four different continents:
\the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Great-Britain, France, Poland,
White Russia, Egypt, South Africa, India and Australia. It was first
found in 1940 in the Netherlands, in a sandpit at Usselo near
Enschede, only a few kilometers from the boundary with Germany, by
Dutch archaeologist Cornelis Hijszeler, custodian and later director
of the Ryks Museum Twente, Enschede.

The Dutch geologists, a fraternity of dogmatic uniformitarians, felt
uncomfortable and tried to hide the discovery. While Hijszeler
published his results during the 1950’s, an excavation for a car
tunnel was made at Velsen, west of Amsterdam, and the exposed Upper
Pleistocene and Holocene section was studied by a interdisciplinary
team of sedimentologists, palynologists, archaeologists. The Usselo
horizon was found at a depth of 18 meters, significantly by an
overseer. The experts who describe the unconsolidated sediments not
once use the word charcoal. Only one contributor, Havinga, perhaps a
rebellious type, speaks of the Usselo horizon as  “a layer of white
sand with black speckles”. He reports the absence of pollen in that
layer and the presence of Selaginella (mossfern) without realizing the
possible importance of that bit of information.

The German geologists did pick up Hijszeler’s discovery. They found
that the charcoal-rich layer was synchronous with the huge and unique
explosion of the Laacher See volcano, the ashes of which have been
found from southern Sweden to northern Italy, and they imputed the
gigantic forest fire which, as Hijszeler had found, raged at least
from Ostende to Hamburg, to that volcanic eruption. The same causal
relationship was accepted in Belgium, and later in northern France.
During the 1960’s, the charcoal-rich horizon was also found in
England, but the British scientists never tried to find out what had
happened on the continent during the Alleroed, they remained in
splendid isolation, very much like the Germans, who never showed
curiosity for the geographical extension of the conflagration, perhaps
because of the assumed causal relationship with the Laacher-See
volcanic eruption.

From the people who knew, or knew about the existence of the Usselo
horizon in northwestern Europe, only very few, perhaps two or three,
heard about its discovery in White Russia, and a few others, perhaps
three or four, about the discovery in Egypt, attributed to the
Alleroed by radiocarbon dating, backed up by palynological,
paleontological and archaeological data. None of them seems to have
thought of the possibility that the fires in northwestern Europe,
White Russia and Egypt could have started on the same day.

Meanwhile, a charcoal-rich layer dating from the Alleröd was also
found in India, and recently (not yet published) from the Late
Pleistocene in South Africa and in Australia.

Worldwide charcoal horizons seem to be not very common. Wendy Wolbach,
after the discovery of the K-T boundary charcoal, made a literature
search throughout the geological column, and found none, possibly
because she had to rely on heavily biased literature, written by

So let us assume that that fire raging from England to Paris and
Hamburg and possibly to Minsk, and that fire raging through the Nile
Valley, and the others discovered in South Africa, India and
Australia, and also those that soon will be discovered on other places
now people will start looking for it, are all synchronous. Let us
urgently adopt the working hypothesis that they were synchronous and
had one and the same cause, and let us then see if everything starts
fitting together. The extinction of the Pleistocene megafauna, the
sudden ice melting, the catastrophic floods, the rise in sea-level,
the sudden demise of the Magdalenian culture after an uninterrupted
development of some 30.000 years and the backfall to Mesolithic

Let us not wait for the uniformitarians to agree, and let us not waste
time trying to convince them. While we are born on a planet spinning
and spiraling through a wildly dynamic universe, the uniformitarians
try to impose upon us a static worldview.

We are in the middle of a major crisis in the biosphere, which started
about 13.000 years ago, possibly by a cometary impact. Quite possibly
it is the extinction of the Pleistocene megafauna -- mostly herbivores
but also their predators -- which has opened an ecological niche for
one predator that survived -- humankind. The present population
explosion and the continued faunal and floral extinctions occur in the
wake of the universal conflagration of which the Usselo charcoal
horizon bears witness.

When we start studying these relationships, we’ll have the benefit of
the fact that an older charcoal layer has been found already, on the
K-T boundary, and has been seriously studied during the last few
decades.  The past is the key to the present.


To the following persons I am most grateful for their moral support,
for help in the search for data and references, for material help, or
for their hospitality – or for all that:

Walter Alvarez, Sérgio Bernardes and Rosa, Marc de Bie, Diogenes de
Almeida Campos, Victor Clube, Jacques Hinout, Mrs E. Hijszeler, A. de
Goër de Herve, Peter James and Ruth, Albert Jongmans, Mme A.
Leroi-Gourhan, J. Merkt, E. Paulissen, Klaus Skupin, Alexander
Tollmann, Hugo Cuellar Urizar and Teresa, Bart Vanmontfort, Jean-Paul
Verdun and Denise, Wera-Mirim, Wendy Wolbach.



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Sharma MJ, 1982: The Upper Palaeolithic culture in India. Delhi.

Additional References


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final en Pologne. In: D.de Sonneville-Bordes (ed): La Fin des Temps
glaciaires en Europe. Paris. 799-818.

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Konecka-Betley K, 1977: Soils of the dune areas of central Poland in
Late Glacial and Holocene. Folia Quaternaria 49: 47-62.

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in the light of sediment analysis from Kamion profile near Wyszogrod.
Zeitschr.f.Geomorph. NF Suppl.45-50. Stgrt.


Westerby E, 1946: Da Danmarks aeldste Stenalder boplads blev fundet.
Beriingske Aftenavis 22-23 Okt. Reprinted 1986, Aarb.Nord.Oldk.Hist
43-69, with translation in German.

Iversen J, 1946: Geologisk Datering af en senglacial Boplads ved
Bromme. Aarböger Nord.Oldk. Hist. 198-231.

Mathiassen T, 1947: En Palaeolitisk Boplads ved Bromme. Aarböger f.
Nord.Oldk. og Hist. 121-197.

Korlowski SK, 1975: Quelques remarques sur le Brommien. Acta Arch 46:
134-142. Copenhagen.

Fischer A, 1978: Pa sporet af overgangen mellem palaeoliticum og
mesoliticum i Syd-Skandinavien. Hikuin 4: 27-50. Höjberg.

For the presentation at the Bergamo Symposium I had 15 minutes
available, kindly ceded to me  (from his own 40 minutes) by professor
Alexander Tollmann of Vienna University.

I prepared the talk and the bibliography  in southern France, where I
didn’t have with me the references from Poland. They are added below.

During the two years that followed I also found the presence of the
Usselo Horizon in Denmark (the Bromme culture layer), first in the
literature available in Dutch libraries, and then I went to Copenhagen
to do more research.

The Proceedings of the Bergamo Symposium were published in 2002, and
follow below.

Postscript 2007

In 2001 I became via the Internet aware of the accessibility of the
Clovis Layer exposure at Murray Springs, Arizona. In 2002 I went there
and took samples. One of these was analyzed on the presence of soot by
Wendy Wolbach in Chicago, and gave positive results. However, some
samples of the Usselo Horizon which I took in Schleswig-Holstein
(Germany) did not contain soot, probably because in the unconsolidated
Coversands it has been removed by percolating water. The result was
that by 2003 my research got stuck.

Then in 2005, new developments were posted on the Net. In North
America some people -- William Topping, Richard Firestone, Allen West
-- had finally also understood that a thin dark layer, dating from the
time when the Pleistocene megafauna disappeared, must have something
to do with that disappearance. And Firestone and West happened to be
full of ideas, and they have what I don’t have: laboratories with
sophisticated hardware for analyzing samples.

In one Usselo sample that I took at Lommel (Belgium), early in 2006,
an anomalous Iridium content was found, and in 2007 followed the
discovery of nanodiamonds in Usselo samples from Holland, Belgium and

Dennis Cox uses Mark Boslough, Sandia Lab, meteor air burst
supercomputer simulations to explain geoablation from Mexico to Canada
with many Google Earth images: Rich Murray 2011.04.09
Saturday, April 9, 2011
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Rich Murray, MA
Boston University Graduate School 1967 psychology,
BS MIT 1964, history and physics,
1943 Otowi Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
505-501-2298 [hidden email]


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