The Ultimate Geek Gift Guide

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The Ultimate Geek Gift Guide

Jochen Fromm-3

WIRED has "The Ultimate Geek Gift Guide",2926,69647,00.html 


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The Ultimate Geek Gift Guide

Parks, Raymond
Jochen Fromm wrote:

> WIRED has "The Ultimate Geek Gift Guide"

   Predictably extravagant consumption.  When Wired first showed up, I
didn't understand it - why have a dead tree magazine about the Web?
Every now and then, an interesting article slipped through the
shallowness filter, but I pretty much ignored it.  Nowadays, it is yet
another mass audience consumption magazine.  I can always tell if a
magazine is worth reading by looking for the table of contents.  If I
have to flip through 16 pages of full-page ads (most of which don't mean
anything to me), I know the magazine is worthless - Wired qualifies.

   Better Geek Gift Guide -

Ray Parks                   rcparks at
IDART Project Lead          Voice:505-844-4024
IORTA Department            Fax:505-844-9641 Pager:800-690-5288

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The Ultimate Geek Gift Guide

Giles Bowkett

>From what I hear the first issue of Wired didn't even include e-mail
addresses; they didn't start on about the Web until about 1995ish. I
wrote a couple very short articles for Wired around that time, but in
1995 it was already three years old. It got started in 93, and at that
time there wasn't much about the Web in there at all.

Anyway, around 2000-ish it got bought by Conde Nast, which mostly does
travel magazines, and the content's gone downhill since then.
Obviously back in 95 it was publishing works of genius. (Uh...yeah.)

On 12/1/05, Raymond Parks <rcparks at> wrote:

> Jochen Fromm wrote:
> > WIRED has "The Ultimate Geek Gift Guide"
> >,2926,69647,00.html
>    Predictably extravagant consumption.  When Wired first showed up, I
> didn't understand it - why have a dead tree magazine about the Web?
> Every now and then, an interesting article slipped through the
> shallowness filter, but I pretty much ignored it.  Nowadays, it is yet
> another mass audience consumption magazine.  I can always tell if a
> magazine is worth reading by looking for the table of contents.  If I
> have to flip through 16 pages of full-page ads (most of which don't mean
> anything to me), I know the magazine is worthless - Wired qualifies.
>    Better Geek Gift Guide -
> --
> Ray Parks                   rcparks at
> IDART Project Lead          Voice:505-844-4024
> IORTA Department            Fax:505-844-9641
> Pager:800-690-5288
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Giles Bowkett = Giles Goat Boy

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The Ultimate Geek Gift Guide

Roger Critchlow-2
Here's one from Make which turned up on slashdot last night:

for the geek with a do it yourself bent.

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