I'm not sure if you've seen this report,"The Promise and Peril
of Big Data." It's a current and interesting read.
"According to a recent report(1), the amount of digital content on the Internet is now close to five hundred billion gigabytes. This number is expected to double within a year. Ten years ago, a single gigabyte of data seemed like a vast amount of information. Now, we commonly hear of data stored in terabytes or petabytes. Some even talk of exabytes or the yottabyte, which is a trillion terabytes or, as one website describes it, “everything that there is.”2
J. T. Johnson
Institute for Analytic Journalism -- Santa Fe, NM USA
www.analyticjournalism.com505.577.6482(c) 505.473.9646(h) [hidden email]"Be Your Own Publisher"
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