The New Berlin Wall - New York Times

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The New Berlin Wall - New York Times

Owen Densmore
This rather interesting translation from the German delves far more  
deeply into the multiculturalism & assimilation problems faced by  
Europe, and recently high-lighted by the London bombings and the  
French riots.

It starts with a brutal "honor killing".  It then goes on to discuss  
the differences among the generations of Turkish and Kurdish  
immigrants, and how the initial immigrants can be more modern than  
subsequent generations, and how these later generations can actually  
be less modern than their home country itself.

It has a slight Freakonomics bent in that it shows that at a deeper  
level, the problems are not just the Muslim practices and history,  
but also the well-meaning but disastrous German public policies of  
religious freedom and liberal immigration laws.

Three heroic women authors are discussed throughout the article.  
Here is one quote:
   - She points to the Imam Reza Mosque, for instance, whose home  
page - until a recent revision - praised the attacks of Sept. 11,  
designated women as second-class human beings and referred to gays  
and lesbians as animals. "And that kind of thing," she says, fuming,  
"is still defended by the left in the name of religious freedom."  ..  
and another:
   - "Before I can get to the Islamic patriarchs, I first have to  
work my way through these mountains of German guilt."

Thus these folks have a two front battle: the patriarchs and the  
German liberal policies .. and both are very hard to change.

It would be fascinating to have more in-depth articles articulating  
these specific generational issues  across each of Europe's countries  
with large Muslim populations.  I suspect there a great deal of "the  
devil is in the details" here, and that each country will have  
significant differences.

     -- Owen

Owen Densmore - -