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The Headmap Manifesto plus others

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The Headmap Manifesto plus others

Tom Johnson
1129 posts

Ran across this today: "The Headmap Manifesto -- Know Your Place - Headmap
manifesto and the spatialised internet revolution." See
http://www.sirc.org/articles/know_your_place.shtml  Even though it's more
than a year old, just the phrase "Headmap Manifesto" would seem to have

Headmap fits neatly with another collaborative thinking/organizing tool I've
started to investigate, CmapTools <http://www.cmaptools.com/>, a online,
shareable concept- mapping utility.

Seems to me that if/when we merge the concepts of Headmap, CmapTools and "First
Mile <http://www.firstmilesolutions.com/news.php>," something's going on
that suggests major change in the offing.

J. T. Johnson
Institute for Analytic Journalism
505.577.6482(c)                                 505.473.9646(h)
http://www.jtjohnson.com               tom at jtjohnson.com

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the
existing model obsolete."
                                                   -- Buckminster Fuller
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