The Economist explains: Why ESPN is losing subscribers | The Economist

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The Economist explains: Why ESPN is losing subscribers | The Economist

Owen Densmore
Kinda fascinating just how important ESPN is to Disney. And finally ESPN losing subscribers to cord cutting.
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​FOR much of this century ESPN, the television sports network, has been Disney’s cash machine, collecting billions more dollars from American subscribers each year than the company gets from its blockbuster “Star Wars”, Marvel and Pixar films combined. But for the past six years, fewer and fewer people have been paying for ESPN: the network’s subscribers base has declined from a peak of 100m households in 2011 to less than 88m now. Why are fewer Americans paying for the sports leader?

One big reason is that fewer people are subscribing to pay-television overall—a phenomenon known as “cord-cutting”. As the bundle of channels offered to homes has grown fatter, it has also become more expensive—the typical pay-TV bill in America has nearly doubled in a decade to more than $100 a month.​

​   -- Owen​

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