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Tempest Internet Access

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Tempest Internet Access

Owen Densmore
2679 posts
I use an international dialup service, Tempest Telecom:
It's quite useful when in the middle of nowhere, especially outside  
of the US.

Well, planning for a trip to FL, I decided to look in to see if they  
have had any changes.  They do, they've added WiFi, partnering with  
lots of folks.  The neat deal here is that if you roam around, you're  
guaranteed a max daily charge!  In the US, its $9.95/day.  So if you  
travel to a hotel with a similar charge, if you use your Tempest  
account, you can also use it in the local bookstore using T-Mobile WiFi.

Tempest is not a monthly charge either .. you simply pay when you use  

     -- Owen

Owen Densmore
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