Supercomputing challenge

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Supercomputing challenge

Tom Johnson

Perhaps many list-ers knew about this, but I just discovered it here in our
own backyard. I wish I had been able to attend.

"The mission of the Supercomputing Challenge is to improve students'
understanding and use of technology by developing their skills in scientific
inquiry, modeling, computing, communications, and team work.

Notet the abstracts, including one team seeking to model (using Star Logo)
the best way to get people in and out of ABQ's Balloon Festival --


J. T. Johnson
Institute for Analytic Journalism <>
505.577.6482(c) 505.473.9646(h) tom at

"He who refuses to do arithmetic is doomed to talk nonsense."
-John McCarthy, Stanford University mathematician
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Supercomputing challenge

Roger Critchlow-2
The kickoff was a blast.  Neo Martinez gave a super keynote, illustrated
with a bit of T. rex predatory action from Jurassic Park and the big
fish meeting the bigger fish sequence from The Phantom Menace, but
covering a good bit of food web science as well.

There's plenty of opportunity to participate, still.  You can sign up as
a mentor, you can volunteer as a judge, and you can attend the finals in
Los Alamos in the spring.

Now is a good time to get involved as a mentor because the teams need to
get going on problem definition, research, model formulation, and

-- rec --

J T Johnson wrote:

> All:
> Perhaps many list-ers knew about this, but I just discovered it here in
> our own backyard.  I wish I had been able to attend.
> "Mission
> "The mission of the Supercomputing Challenge is to improve students'
> understanding and use of technology by developing their skills in
> scientific inquiry, modeling, computing, communications, and team work.
> See
> Notet the abstracts, including one team seeking to model (using Star
> Logo) the best way to get people in and out of ABQ's Balloon Festival --
> -tj
> ==============================================
> J. T. Johnson
> Institute for Analytic Journalism
> <>
> 505.577.6482(c)                                 505.473.9646(h)
>               tom at
> <mailto:tom at>
> "He who refuses to do arithmetic is doomed to talk nonsense."
>            -John McCarthy, Stanford University mathematician
> ==============================================
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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