We've got quite a large set of subscription requests, over 200, for
Friam, most looking pretty bogus.
Let me know if you know of someone trying to get on the list and
having difficulty, I can moderate them in.
Speaking about pfishing and passwords recently, this poses an
interesting problem: how to "vet" new requests. I suppose we could
scan the list for anyone we might know. Some are hilarious! .. like
[hidden email]!
But grepping for cybermesa and folks who also left names turned up
someone asking to join at the last friam meeting at St Johns, so I
moderated them in.
I've sorted by domain, getting a lot of yahoo, gmail, and hotmail
users, also facebook, oddly enough, I didn't realize they offered a
mail service.
If you could help with an algorithmic stunt that would help, let me know.
-- Owen
FRIAM Applied Complexity Group listserv
Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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