Species Response to the Theorized Clovis Comet Impact at Sheriden Cave, Ohio, 13 Ka BP, Brian G. Redmond, Kenneth B. Tankersley: Rich Murray 2013.05.09

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Species Response to the Theorized Clovis Comet Impact at Sheriden Cave, Ohio, 13 Ka BP, Brian G. Redmond, Kenneth B. Tankersley: Rich Murray 2013.05.09

Rich Murray-2
Species Response to the Theorized Clovis Comet Impact at Sheriden Cave, Ohio, 13 Ka BP, Brian G. Redmond, Kenneth B. Tankersley: Rich Murray 2013.05.09 

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Vol. 28, 2011,141-142
Species Response to the Theorized Clovis Comet Impact at Sheriden Cave, Ohio
Brian G. Redmond and Kenneth B. Tankersley 

Brian G. Redmond, Cleveland Museum of Natural History, 1 Wade Oval Drive Cleveland, OH44106-1701; e-mail: bredmond@...

Kenneth B. Tankersley, Department of Anthropology, Department of Geology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221; e-mail: tankerkh@... 123457611

Younger Dryas, climate change, comet impact

Sheriden is a deeply stratified cave site situated in the glaciated Silurian karst plain of northwest Ohio. 
The sinkhole entrance formed and exposed the cave after glacial ice covering the site retreated during the late Pleistocene.
The cave rapidly filled with sediments, and the entrance was completely buried by the early Holocene.
During the Allerød, plants, animals, and Clovis people entered the sinkhole and cave (Tankersley 1999).

Clovis artifacts and contemporary faunal remains include two complete bone projectile points made from dense cortical megamammal long bones, a Clovis fluted point, a scraper-knife made on a large flake, two biface fragments, a graver, a portion of an endscraper, 28 pieces of microdebitage, a cervical vertebra of Chelydra serpentine 
(snapping turtle) with cut and chopmarks, and burned and disarticulated elements of 
Platygonus compressus (flat-headed peccary) and Castoroides ohioensis 
(giant beaver) (Redmond andTankersley 2005).

The age of the Clovis assemblage was determined by direct  AMS radiocarbon dating of purified collagen extracted from one of the two bone points. The calibrated 14C age was 13,000 to 12,900 RCYBP at two standard deviations (Waters et al. 2009). This date overlaps the current, revised age range of Clovis and makes Sheriden Cave the twelfth firmly dated Clovis site in North America (Waters and Stafford 2007).

The age from the bone point also overlaps the AMS radiocarbon dates obtained from two extinct taxa, flat-headed peccary and giant beaver, and a distinctive charcoal layer (Tankersley 1999). Comparable organic layers have been identified at other Clovis sites across North America (Haynes 2008).

The charcoal layer contains above-background levels
of carbon spherules,148/kg by weight and 100 microns to 1 mm in size,
as well as magnetic grains, 2.5 g/kg by weight and up to 300 microns in size, magnetic microspherules, more than 100/kg by weight and 20 to 100 microns in size, nanometer-sized diamonds, 400 ppb by weight 0.5 microns to 0.5 mm in size,
and Lonsdaleite, a hexagonal nanodiamond polymorph found at other postulated Clovis comet impact sites across North America (Kennett et al. 2009).

Lonsdaleite, nano-diamonds, magnetic microspherules, magnetic grains, and carbon spherules were absent in layers above and below the Clovis assemblage (Figure 1).

Of the 63 floral and faunal taxa recovered in direct stratigraphic association from the Clovis layer, 52 species of amphibians, arboreal plants, fish, mammals, and reptiles were unaffected by the theoretical Clovis comet impact event and are still living in the immediate vicinity of the cave today.

Only two species of megamammals in the assemblage went extinct,
flat-headed peccary and giant beaver,
while five microtines
(Microtis xanthognathus, yellow-checked vole;
Phenacomys intermedius, heather vole;
Sorex cinereus, masked shrew;
Sorex hoyi, pygmy shrew; and
Synaptomys borealis, northern bog lemming),
three smallcarnivores
(Martes americana,pine martin;
Martes pennanti, fisher;
and Mustela erminea, ermine),
and an artiodactyl 
(Rangifer tarandus, caribou)
migrated northward to their present ranges in boreal and tundra environments.

Although the disappearance of two species of megamammals at Sheriden Cave  coincides with the proposed Clovis comet impact event, the survival of more than 50 taxa of diverse plants and animals suggests that factors such as climate change during the subsequent Younger Dryas were more likely a contributing cause of their extinction instead of the theorized comet impact (Graham 1996).

This study was made possible with support from the National Science Foundation and the Court Family Foundation. 
The assistance and support of Keith Hendricks and the Cleveland Museum of Natural History is greatly appreciated. 
Allen West provided sediment analyses and Greg McDonald and the late Fran King identified the faunal and floral species.

References Cited

Graham, R. W. (FAUNMAP Working Group) 1996 
Spatial Response of Mammals to Late Quaternary Environmental Fluctuations.
Science 272:5268:601–1606.

Haynes, C. V.  2008
Younger Dryas “Black Mats” and the Rancholabrean Termination in North America.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 

Kennett, D. J., J. P. Kennett, A. West, C. Mercer, S. S. Que Hee, L. Bement, T. E. Bunch, M. Sellers,and W. S. Wolbach  2009 
Nanodiamonds in the Younger Dryas Boundary Sediment Layer.
Science 323:5910:94.

Redmond, B. G., and K. B. Tankersley  2005 
Evidence of Early Paleoindian Bone Modification and Use at the Sheriden Cave Site (33WY252), Wyandot County, Ohio.
American Antiquity 70(3):503–26.

Tankersley, K. B. 1999
Sheriden: A Stratified Pleistocene-Holocene Cave Site in the Great Lakes Region of North America.
BAR International Series 800:67–75. 

Waters, M. R., and T. W. Stafford, Jr.  2007 
Redefining the Age of Clovis: Implications for the Peopling of the Americas.
Science 315:5815:1122–26.

Waters, M. R., T. W. Stafford, Jr., B. G. Redmond, and K. B. Tankersley  2009
The Age of the Paleoindian Assemblage at Sheriden Cave, Ohio.
American Antiquity 74:107–11.

Figure 1.
A, Stratigraphic profile of Sheriden Cave illustrating the charcoal layer and mean

B,TEM photomicrograph of Lonsdaleite;

C, selected area electron diffraction pattern typical of a hexagonal nonodiamond.

thanks for "Sudden Cold: an examination of the Younger Dryas cold
reversal" (2009), Rodney Chilton: Rich Murray 2013.03.04

Napier: Not So Fast Bos... Bill Napier answers Mark Boslough dismissal
of comet fragment swarm impact events, CosmicTusk blog: Rich Murray

Napier: Not So Fast Bos….
[ George A. Howard starts... ]

Bill, will you help the Tusk out a bit and provide a response, which I
can post, to the claim below by Dr. Mark Boslough?
There are several ways to approach his statement, but I am interested
in your take.

“There’s no plausible mechanism to get airbursts over an entire
continent,” said Boslough.

Sent from my iPhone, George A. Howard

Response from Bill Napier that day:

You asked me to comment on Mark Boslough’s claim that “There’s no
plausible mechanism to get airbursts over an entire continent.”
As I’ve already demonstrated in the refereed literature that there is
such a mechanism, I’m not sure what I can add!
However, let me try to pinpoint where I believe Boslough is going wrong.
I have in hand an abstract of a talk he gave a couple of years ago and
I don’t suppose his stance has changed much since then:

“The YDB impact hypothesis of Firestone et al. (2007) is so extremely
improbable it can be considered statistically impossible in addition
to being physically impossible.
Comets make up only about 1% of the population of Earth-crossing objects.
Broken comets are a vanishingly small fraction, and only exist as
Earth-sized clusters for a very short period of time.”

~The Bos, Geol. Soc. America annual meeting (21-23 Nov 2010), Denver.

It’s true that comets currently make up a minority of the population
of Earth-crossing objects (1% is extreme but let that pass), but
that’s only at the 1 km level or thereabouts.
As you go to larger objects, the balance shifts profoundly.
For example, there are no 10 km asteroids currently in Earth crossing
orbits, but we do have large cometary Earth-crossers, e.g., Halley at
11 km, Swift-Tuttle at 27 km and so on.
Asteroids of 10 km or more can’t be shifted out of the main belt at a
sufficient rate to account for the large terrestrial impact craters:
the transfer rate is an order of magnitude too slow.
The action lies with the big comets.

Large populations of them have been discovered on the fringes of the
planetary system in recent years, thanks to deep, wide-angle surveys.
Their number is still uncertain, and their orbital dynamics is still
being worked out, but it is recognized that from time to time rare,
giant comets will feed into short-period orbits from these
populations, weaving between the giant planets in unstable orbits
which may lead to their entering our neighbourhood on relatively short
They do this for the most part by feeding through the Jupiter family
of comets, that is short-period comets whose orbits are strongly
influenced by that giant planet.

Chiron, for example, which is over 200 km in diameter and orbiting
beyond Saturn, has probably dipped in and out of our neighbourhood
several times in its past.
The half-life for doing so is about 0.2 million years, each episode
lasting a few thousand years.
It probably has several thousand times the mass of the entire
near-Earth asteroid system.
There are several known bodies in this size range and similarly
unstable orbits, and the sample is likely incomplete.
Large-scale orbital computations have shown that they have the
propensity to become Earth-crossers on timescales (each) of order a
million years.

It follows from this that a giant comet residing in a short-period,
Earth-crossing orbit is not uncommon on geological timescales.
There is nothing anomalous about an erstwhile giant comet having been
around say over the last 100,000 years.

This is all by way of background because we know that in fact two such
comets have indeed been around in the recent past.
One is the progenitor of the Kreutz sungrazers, which was probably 100
km across and began to break up 1700 years ago.
The other is the progenitor of comet Encke and the Taurids, which was
probably of similar size but much greater age, at least 20,000 and
perhaps up to 100,000 years.
Kreutz was high inclination and its debris never came our way.
Encke is in the ecliptic and we’re still immersed in the debris, the
Taurid complex.

Which leads to the question: what do we expect from a 100-200 km comet
in a short-period Earth-crossing ecliptic orbit?

“Broken comets are a vanishingly small fraction, and only exist as
Earth-sized clusters for a very short period of time.”

~The Bos

This one sentence contains two profound misconceptions.
First, hierarchic disintegration is now generally recognised as the
major route whereby comets die.
It’s a common process.
Second, ‘Earth-sized clusters’ have nothing to do with it.
We are dealing with concentrations of fragments having, say, 10,000
times the cross-sectional area of the Earth.
For a 100 km comet to undergo disintegration in our neighbourhood
gives us a hugely enhanced impact hazard.
Fragments totaling even a 1,000th the size of Chiron would have a mass
of 10**18 g.
Passage through such a debris field would yield about 10** 14 g of
material impinging on the Earth.
This is likely to be in the form of dust, pebbles, all the way up to
super-Tunguska objects.
The overall energy amounts to something like 5000 Tunguskas, striking
a hemisphere of the Earth over a period of a few hours as we pass
What are the odds that we would in fact pass through such debris in
the course of a short-period, giant comet’s disintegration?
This communication is already quite long enough, but detailed
numerical modelling based on lifetimes, drift, shepherding resonances
and the like reveal that one or two such encounters are reasonably
probable events over the active lifetime of the Taurid progenitor
(papers in preparation; see also my 2010 MNRAS paper).

In a nutshell, Mark Boslough’s cometary model is irrelevant.
It has nothing to do with the actual circumstances which prevailed in
our environment over the Holocene and earlier.
It takes no account of, and indeed shows no awareness of, modern
developments in cometary dynamics.
Any competent referee would reject it.

I could say more, but perhaps that’s enough to be going on with.

Best regards, Bill

February 13th, 2013 | Tags: clovis, comet, LeCompte, mark boslough,
pinter, pranks, sandia, surovell, younger dryas | Category: bill
napier, Guest blogs, impact frequency, Mark Boslough, New Papers

Rise of the Zombie: Harvard Discovers Evidence for Major Earth Impact
at Younger Dryas Boundary
[ George A. Howard comment ]

“The theory has reached zombie status,” said Professor Andrew Scott
from the Department of Earth Sciences at Royal Holloway. “Whenever we
are able to show flaws and think it is dead, it reappears with new,
equally unsatisfactory, arguments. -- January 30, 2013, Royal Holloway
Press Release two weeks before the Harvard discovery

Concluding remark: The main conclusion of our study is the detection
of an unusual event during the Bølling-Allerød-YD transition period
that resulted in deposition of a large amount of Pt to the Greenland
ice.The nature of the event remains uncertain, but our results clearly
rule out an impact or air burst of a chondritic bolide. If an impact
was involved, the impactor had a very unusual composition deriving
from a highly fractionated portion of a proto-planetary core.

-- Petaev, Huang, 2013

[ free full text available via Scribd ]

George Howard at cosmictusk.com blog cites reliance on Todd Surovell
2009 paper by Mark Boslough 2012 Dec. critique of 2007 Richard
Firestone YD comet fragment impact storm hypothesis -- Malcome
LeCompte 2012 Sept. backs up Firestone: Rich Murray 2013.02.10

Aug 31 to meteorite-list@...

smooth blue-black melt glaze on 2 sharp red-brown nearby surface rocks
under left side of Mount Sharp in Curiosity Mars panorama? Rich Murray


high resolution adjustable view --

compare with surface glazes on sharp rocks in California and New Mexico:

pertinent features near Campbell Mountain, studied by Dennis Cox, by
his house in Fresno, CA: Rich Murray 2011.06.27
Monday, June 27, 2011

It is easy in a few hours to locate pertinent features to the N, E,
SE, and S of Campbell Mountain, studied by Dennis Cox, a few miles NE
of his house in Fresno, CA.

Maybe some of us can visit for a weekend and drive around, as many
intriguing sites can be found by roads.


19 images of Fresno mountains and rock samples

Dennis Cox blog, plain text, with images of samples of magnetic black glaze
on melt rocks from 13 Ka ice comet fragment extreme plasma storm geoablation
in Fresno, California: Rich Murray 2010.07.02
Friday, July 2, 2010

photo of typical air burst geoablation glaze on hard bedrock at top of
Mount Helix park, E San Diego: Rich Murray 2012.03.15

10 m broken rock hill with black glazes, W of Rancho Alegre Road, S of
Coyote Trail, W of Hwy 14, S of Santa Fe, New Mexico, tour of 50
photos 1 MB size each via DropBox: Rich Murray 2011.07.28 2011.08.03

photos 3-5 of 50

within the fellowship of service, Rich Murray

Rich Murray,
MA Boston University Graduate School 1967 psychology,
BS MIT 1964 history and physics,
254-A Donax Avenue, Imperial Beach, CA 91932-1918
<a href="tel:505-819-7388" value="+15058197388" target="_blank">505-819-7388 cell
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