Something Extraordinary Is Happening in the World, And Most People Haven’t Noticed, Gustavo Tanaka -- collaborative innovation in Brazil: Rich Murray 2016.01.16

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Something Extraordinary Is Happening in the World, And Most People Haven’t Noticed, Gustavo Tanaka -- collaborative innovation in Brazil: Rich Murray 2016.01.16

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Something Extraordinary Is Happening in the World, And Most People Haven’t Noticed, Gustavo Tanaka -- collaborative innovation in Brazil: Rich Murray 2016.01.16

Gustavo Tanaka  <[hidden email]>

in Brazil

Something Extraordinary Is Happening in the World, And Most People Haven’t Noticed
Posted 3 weeks, 4 days ago by Satyapriya
Source: | Original Post Date: December 16, 2015 –

Go to the profile of Gustavo Tanaka
Gustavo TanakaJan 68 min read

What is the Company Free Movement

Note. This is not a post. It is a material that is constantly evolving.

A bit of history…

In the fall of 2015, he and some friends started working together on an idea.

The idea was to create a horizontal company. The deal would be a portal for content about nutrition.

A horizontal company, no one would have the higher salary than the other and no one would have greater participation. Everyone would be equal.

With this discourse began to assemble a team. Soon it was possible to see that most people liked the idea. What was the little dream of a few people, she turned the shared 20 people dream.

Thus was born the Baobbá Lab. Click here to see our website

In less than three months we gathered 20 people with different skills.Administrators, designers, developers, videographers, nutritionists, chef de cuisine, editor.

I shared the birth of this idea in this text: How began a horizontal business.

In a few weeks, it was possible to see that our team was too good an idea to work alone and we could work on different projects.

Then came three other projects: 101Chefs, Academy of Nature and Personal Brazil. All with the same goal: to empower people and open up opportunities to make money and undertake (in food, permaculture and fitness respectively)

Over the months, we were learning. We were facing challenges that were not foreseen and saw hundreds of people interested in joining our team.

When things grow very fast, we get scared a little. So we made a move to protect our group.

"If 20 people already have many challenges, imagine if we have 150?" That's what started thinking.

So we fix our focus on projects and closing the team in these 20 people.

But then we began to feel a conflict. While coming more and more people sending messages asking for information and offering to work, we lost power internally. That speed we had at the beginning turned into idleness.

Projects take time to be developed. It does not create a company from one day to another. The business was changing and we were adapting.

While exercitávamos our patience, we were seeing people on the team become disheartened and wanted to do something more.

We ended 2015 with the feeling that the move we made was going against the flow.

One thing I learned in 2015 is observed. And watching, you realize the flow. The flow was to expand our work. Bring more people. Incorporate new projects.

So we ended the year trying to relate better with people. We have created a group on Facebook and in less than two months, were nearly a thousand people participating, without us disclose.

Enter the group by clicking here.

The term we created Free Company, began to be used by different people and Baobbá began to be cited as reference.

By the power of the universe, some of my writings began to circulate in other languages ​​and I began to receive worldwide message people wanting to keep up with our work.

Without much pretense, we realized that we had started a movement.

And now we want to start in 2016 making this movement grow.

So here are some initial information

What is a Free Enterprise?

A free enterprise is a company without owners. No shareholders. Without heads. No managers or directors.

All are equal. Niguém is more valuable than the other time. No one has greater percentage.

And no one has ownership of the company.

I can not go out and take the company with me.

People can come and go. But the company continues.

This is interesting because it is a punch in the stomach ego. No one is the CEO, founder, VP or any of those titles that make you feel important.

And it takes a lot detachment to accept to be like everyone else. Regardless of age, seniority, or training.

How to structure a legally Free Enterprise?

The great cheap to get a new model is that we do not have references to follow and have to create everything from scratch. This applies to the legal model.

The current legislation did not foresee the existence of Free Enterprise. They want us to be a company with corporate structure, but we do not have partners. They want to know who the owner is, but we do not own. They want us to be so cooperative, but we are not a cooperative. When we talked to lawyers, we want to protect us from labor, but we do not have employees. They want to avoid disputes over the participation in the company, but if no one owns, you will play with whom?

Ie, it is not that simple.

But even so, we fail to follow our movement.

I believe there will be a unique way and each Free Enterprise will create its own model. Companies will have little Free, with few people and companies Free with hundreds of co-creators. Some will be more stable and others will have a constant person enters and exits.

Consultants work in a way. Factories another. Startups also.

So it is difficult to create a standard legal model. I think every one will get his way.

Where I think you can get?

Maybe we influence legislation and have to create new laws. Perhaps change all laws. Maybe not in Brazil. Maybe outside. And then maybe this will influence Brazil also. I do not know.

I do not have the answer and I have no shame to say I do not know.

How to divide the money?

This is another issue that also does not have a correct answer. Each group can create the model you want.

We in Baobbá set an initial criterion that made us comfortable, but we know that can change. We created three ranges of working time range.

More than 30 hours per week = ceiling, 
15 to 30 hours per week = 50% ceiling 
Less than 15 hours per week = 25% ceiling

The initial idea is to divide the money of all projects of all people. Each says in that range falls in the month and we share. Without question. Trust is the foundation of the relationship in Free Enterprise.

Perhaps this model is fair and sufficient. Maybe we have to adapt and separate by design. We do not know yet. And we will learn experiencing.

What is the advantage of creating a Free Enterprise?

We put together a good team without a real investor.

As everyone has equal participation in the results, it becomes easier to attract talent.

If your idea of ​​good, have purpose or is legal, it will be even easier.

There are millions of people working in jobs that are pointless and crazy to be part of projects that have some kind of contribution.

Another advantage is that we do not lose time doing interviews, selecting curriculum, making job offer.

Like it, coming to work and we share everything equally.

The greatest difficulty of being an entrepreneur is that to run a business you have to do much. There are many activities. If you have money, you can hire employees and splitting activities. But if it is small, it has to do alone.

A Free Company uses the concept of undertaking in the group. It is much easier.

I have an idea and want to set up a Free Company. Where do I start?

One of the main pillars of a Free Enterprise is complementarity. We believe in the power of doing what you like and know and leave what you do not know who to like.

When you join complementarity, you increase your chances because you can do more things.

So if you want to set up a business therapies, for example. If you join the other five therapists, will not go out much. But if you join therapists, designers, developers and marketers their possibildades rise.

So start listing what skills you would like to have on your team and search for these people.

The beginning is always difficult, but when you already have people on the team, it is easier others are interested.

I have a business and want it to be one Free Enterprise. What should I do?

Promote your project. You can not be afraid to steal your idea and to keep secret. Keep secret ideas makes no one can connect to you.

Call the people you would like to be on your team. Designers, copywriters, developers. Select the first wave thinking about the needs.

Then open to increase the range of possibilities. New people that you did not expect them to come to your team may appear, offer and make you dream higher.

Suddenly you realize you can do more things. That's how we went from 1 to 4 startups.

I have no project or idea, but I have time to devote myself. What should I do?

If bid. Tell what it does, where has worked, what they like to do or what is your dream.

Connect with the projects that interest you.

What we expect to happen is that people who have ideas and projects open their doors to anyone wishing to participate. No filters. No interviews.

I want to participate, but I have a job that does not want to give up.

A Company Free everyone is free to choose how to get involved. You can tell when will work, what will work and how many hours per week. There is no prerequisite.

So, you can continue in your job, playing his own company, or making their freelancers normally.

You can only devote their free time and it's okay. Can work only weekend and will add a lot.

The Baobbá is the only company Free?

We created this term, but there are already other groups acting similarly. Beauty is not to have a single model.

And some companies or projects that are organized in a network or freely:


Network Ubutu


Play the Call

Free Association

If you have a Free Enterprise project or know some comments here for us to update this list.

Which will arrive this movement?

Sincerely? Do not know.

I think that's the fun of it. When you go see a movie, you do not want to know the end before. The cool thing is to go following the progress.

I think it's the same thing here.

I believe we will create a new system that will continue to exist with the old models. We will have small and medium enterprises, startups with investors and private equity funds, public companies, NGOs, social business and Free Enterprise.

The world is very large and has room for everyone.

You want to know my opinion? I think it will grow and change the economy.

Follow my reasoning. A 19 year old wants to get to work and have two options.

1- Working in a free enterprise, do what you like and earn the same as all

2- Working with IBM or Ambev, have time to come in and go out and earn a salary.

The choice seems obvious, right?

But for that choice to exist, we just have to make our system thrive to arise more and more opportunities. But when good-hearted people are united in working with purpose, I find it hard not leave good thing.

And then maybe IBM and Ambev have to adapt to not fall behind and lose the new talent that comes around.

Perhaps this change becomes large and the economy. Maybe it's just temporary until a better system. Maybe we see that has no continuity and evolves to another system. Meanwhile we will have fun experimenting and learning.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Where can I learn more?

Enter the Facebook group: Company Free

Watch relaxed hangout I and Carol Escape did. Link hangout.

Read this text where share as it began. Text Link.

Send your questions here.

The idea is that this material is dynamic and is constantly evolving.

  • Go to the profile of Gustavo Tanaka

    Gustavo Tanaka

    Author and Entrepreneur | Sharing ideas of the new economy |

  • On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 10:48 PM, Keith Setzer <[hidden email]> wrote:

    Hi Rich,


    I saw this article and thought of you.  I hope you are doing great.  We're still clicking along and spending half our time at the ranch - two weeks at a time. 


    Stay in touch. 


    Wishing you a Happy New Year,



    ethanol is a potent competitive inhibitor that stops methanol from being made by ADH1 enzyme into uncontrolled formaldehyde right inside cells in 20 human tissues, notably liver and inner walls of blood vessels -- WC Monte paradigm: Rich Murray 2016.01.07

    Humans are a hundred times more vulnerable to this chronic low-dose toxicity than rodents. 

    Ethanol in the blood from diet and from fermentation in the gut microbiome protects against up to 16 times higher levels of methanol, but the half-life of ethanol is only 1/3 hour, while that of methanol is 3 hours, so whenever ethanol levels fall enough, then any methanol results in random spots of inflammation in 20 human tissues, resulting in a variety of modern chronic diseases, birth defects, and cancers.

    Prof. Woodrow C. Monte, Food Science and Nutrition, Arizona State University, retired  2004, has given this new paradigm since fall 2007 at his site , which includes a free online archive of 782 full text medical research references.

    Methanol sources include wood and cigarette smoke, dark wines and liquors, aspartame, smoked fermented and spoiled foods, fresh tomatoes, and unfresh fruits juices vegetables, cut up and preserved wet at room temperature in sealed cans jars and  plastics, as well as vehicle fuels in Iran and China.

    142 mg methanol weekly is provided by 6.5 cans aspartame diet drink, about 1 can daily, the amount used by 161 moms, whose kids became autistic, over twice the methanol taken by 550 moms who had no autistic kids.

    dietary methanol and autism, Ralph G. Walton, Woodrow  C. Monte, in press, Medical Hypotheses (now peer reviewed), free full rich text, 38 references: Rich Murray 2015.07.06

    neurobehavioral effects of aspartame, GN Lindseth et al 2014, funded by Army, free full plain text -- 25% of 28 healthy young university students had obvious harm from a dose same as 9 cans daily for just 8 days: Rich Murray 2015.07.05

    Table 5.2 is the key chart -- ADH1 enzyme at high levels in 20 tissues in body and fetus makes methanol into formaldehyde right inside cells, initiating over 20 human diseases, with full text references, WC Monte paradigm: Rich Murray 2013.03.21

    [ see also, for value of vegan diet,  ]

    "As a matter of course, every soul citizen of Earth has a priority to quickly find and positively share evidence for healthy and safe food, drink, environment, and society."

    within the fellowship of service,

    Rich Murray,
    MA Boston University Graduate School 1967 psychology,
    BS MIT 1964 history and physics,
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