Yes, the postings apropos Slinky all delightful, but "information" -- no, no, gimme a break. I'll bet the "information experts" doan have a clue how to solve! Newton (fl. 1680) could readily have solved, as could Joseph Louis Lagrange (fl. 1800) and those estimable gents never hearda "information".
Easy to write the equations of motion for a discrete no. of elements and solve , or, if you have the courage, write the continuum equation in space-time and solve using the Lagrangian and Runge-Kutta IV. It's only second order! THEN, insert proper constants for geometry, density and compliance and obtain NUMERICAL values for the solution. Then, and only then, you unnerstan and can discuss same. As for unexpected behavior, follow Feynman's dictum, "Don't "explain" physical or mental behavior until you actually know what it was. Then tell folks why it happened"!!
One interesting thing about slow, slinky-ish bodies is that there is minuscule damping; coefft. of restitution of steel above 95%, and precious little air damping, so they seem to go on forever. Great model for a non-dissipative system. I spent fair, and fun, time with those thingies.
I dunno why children like Slinky. A funny business. Called market research. When I consulted for Mattel, we tried children on toy ornifloppers that flip-flapped across a room floating on the air -- ornithic and angelic! But the kids preferred little horsies with wooden wheels. We adults thought the flyers were stunning, but to a kid, everything is AMAZING. What a Wonderful World! And how soon some of us leave it!
Peter Lissaman, Da Vinci Ventures
Expertise is not knowing everything, but knowing what to look for.
1454 Miracerros Loop South, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505,USA