At 06:54 PM 12/30/2005 -0700, you wrote:
>Well, I'm certainly impressed!
>Listen/watch the MIT talk .. the details are fascinating!
Not very news-worthy, the video's from September, and in the Squeak world,
it was known about before the conference.
>I bet terrorists will absolutely LOVE them too, alas, just like cell
>phones .. but its worth it.
>Some tech from video:
> - Linux .. tiny version .. and naturally open source
> - Non-profit status helps a LOT politically and other ways.
> - Windup power
> - Great design: laptop/ebook/tablet, power-chord = carrying
>strap, ... wow!
> - Great educational, not tech, goals: primary students only
and secondary too, no tertiary (i.e. college)
> - Great folks involved Seymour Papert, Alan Kay, Mitchel Resnick
> .. all the tech poster folk
All are involved in educational research...
> - Mesh networking all the way
> - Smalltalk lives! (Squeak and friends)
Smalltalk's always been there, it's just ignored by the great unwashed.
Squeak was developed by Alan Kay, Dan Ingalls and co. to be an educational
tool, so using on a machine with a light weight *nix is not only feasible,
but it's already been done a few times. The friends (Scratch, etc.) are
just Squeak applications. Mitch is involved wth StarLogo, another
educational tool (which I think is far less interesting than Squeak).
>Sure would be a hit here in NM.
> -- Owen
>Owen Densmore
> - -