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Slashdot Hardware Story | First Chrome OS Notebooks Due This Month

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Slashdot Hardware Story | First Chrome OS Notebooks Due This Month

Owen Densmore
<base href="data:"><base href="data:">
So Google is going up from phones (android) to netbooks with a browser++ OS:

This is sorta weird.
-- We were edging toward apps going away and web-apps ruling.
-- Then iPhone, and now Android create a huge market for tiny, non-web apps
-- And now we have Chrome apps, that are not quite browser apps? (w/ a Chrome App Store!)

One good thing: if this really is a way to get hardware into user's hands that is web-only, it is likely to force Google away from their current approach of killing projects at will, and not have synergy between projects that do succeed.  Time for them to grow up at least enough to keep their Chrome critters alive!

Hopefully this will get us away from app dominance and move toward protocols and data formats as the "core values" of computing.

    -- Owen

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