here might be interested in this paper. At first blush, it looks
like using power laws to predict Earthquake sizes, which is kind of
non-news, but interestingly uses fission-fusion processes, which seems
a long neglected model of power law phenomena.
I did some work earlier showing how fission-fusion processes always
generate a power law, and it is a distinct mechanism from
self-organised criticality, and a distinctly different case, though
related, to preferential attachment, which are the known ways of
generating power laws. It's in an earlier draft of my Anthropic Ants
paper, which was removed at the insistence of referees. I never quite
got around to writing it up as a separate paper (always seemed a
little trite of a result to devote a whole paper to it).
But Nature publishing such a paper? Who'd a thunk it!
Prof Russell Standish Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders
Visiting Professor of Mathematics
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