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Shared Space

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Shared Space

Martin C. Martin-2
41 posts

Those who enjoyed the video of traffic in India, where there were no
lights or signs, might find the Wikipedia "Shared space" entry interesting:


The philosophy

To improve the safety of roads by making them appear more dangerous. By
removing lines, signs, and other traditional road safety paraphernalia,
drivers stop looking at signs and start looking at people. This, it has
been demonstrated, will make roads safer.

The reasons for this apparent paradox may be found by studying the risk
compensation effect.

As the name implies, the strategy also means to stop the segregation of
different means of traffic: Instead, cyclists and motor vehicles drive
on the same lanes, and pedestrians are free to cross anywhere. This does
not only work astonishingly well, it also has the effect that the weaker
traffic participants feel more comfortable, and experience the street as
a place to live.

- Martin

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Shared Space

Parks, Raymond
345 posts
Martin C. Martin wrote:
> Hi,
> Those who enjoyed the video of traffic in India, where there were no
> lights or signs, might find the Wikipedia "Shared space" entry interesting:

   It seems to me that Prince Charles' Poundbury urban planning project
fits this model, as well.  The town is deliberately laid out with
curving streets of varying width to restrict traffic and make the
streets pedestrian friendly.

Ray Parks                   rcparks at sandia.gov
IDART Project Lead          Voice:505-844-4024
IORTA Department            Mobile:505-238-9359
http://www.sandia.gov/scada Fax:505-844-9641
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