Seminar on Systems Creation for Scientists and Artists

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Seminar on Systems Creation for Scientists and Artists

Ann Racuya-Robbins-2

How are systems (complex) created and discovered. This free seminar/conversation will explore key principles of the creation and discovery of systems. Both science and art create and discover systems. Both science and art create and discover what I would call leading and following systems or the front and back systems or layer1 and layer 2 of systems. Neither is ordinate or subordinate.  Many of us are familiar with how science discovers systems. Some of us are not as familiar with how art creates systems and how art creates systems of science. These seminar hopes to bring artists and scientists together to co-create a discussion.

I am will begin these seminars in May in the late afternoon/early evening around 5pm and including the availability of an inexpensive lite New Mexican supper provided by the Mission Cafe. The seminars will be held at the Mission Cafe.

If you have questions or would like more information please email me or call me at 505-216-5343

Please let me know if you would like to participate.

Best Wishes

Ann Racuya-Robbins
Founder and CEO World Knowledge Bank [hidden email]

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