Seminar Friday, Aug 22, 12:15-2p, Andy Wuensche, "Life-like Processes in Cellular Automata", FriamGroup Applied Complexity Lecture

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Seminar Friday, Aug 22, 12:15-2p, Andy Wuensche, "Life-like Processes in Cellular Automata", FriamGroup Applied Complexity Lecture

Stephen Guerin
** FRIAM Group Applied Complexity lecture: Friday August 22, 12:15-2:00 p.m.

Location: Santa Fe Institute Medium Conference Room

Topic: Life-like Processes in Cellular Automata

Speaker: Andy Wuensche

*** Abstract: ***

I will show a family of "Life"-like cellular automata rules
with 3 values, which instantly self-organize random patterns into a
variety of gliders, gliders-guns, spirals and many other complex
interacting structures including self-reproduction. The rules are
nearest neighbour and work on a hex, square and cubic grid.
For more info see...
This will be shown as a live demo in multi-value DDLab, where network
elements can have up to 8 values (colours) instead of just 2 (0,1).
All the binary DDLab functions and methods for cellular automata and
random Boolean networks are now generalized for multi-value including
basins of attraction. If time allows, I will demonstrate some other
features of DDLab. See..